10 Great Things About Being Back in Mississippi
by JoLynn Wells – from The Local Voice #148
1. Rain instead of snow.
2. A landscape of steep beautiful hills and waterfalls of kudzu populated by people sweet as pecan pie.
3. Dancing to live music, sometimes in the middle of the street.
4. The slow easy way of speaking down here that sounds so soft on the ears.
5. “Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name…” and for me that sure ain’t Cheers in Boston.
6. Grits & Greens, black-eyed peas & cornbread, and a belly full of luck & money on New Years’ Day.
7. Hearing on the radio in their entirety first… “Mama, I’m Coming Home” by Ozzy Osbourne followed by the Doobie Brothers’ “Black Water.” Mississippi moon, won’t you keep on shining on me?
8. The velvet ditch wins over a broken glass littered gutter every time.
9. Fried chicken from the gas station.
10. Longer, brighter days remind me that I too can be a ray of sunshine, spreading light, warmth and happiness wherever I go.