We know from news reports that we ought to find ways to indulge in a little self care to ease the stress in our daily lives. How about singing?
Oxford Civic Chorus (OCC)’s first rehearsal of the spring season is open to everyone — grab a friend and come to OU-UMC Wesley Hall at 6:30 pm Monday, January 23. You’ll have a chance to meet the directors and other singers, sample some music and see what you think.
Already know you want to participate? Visit oxfordcivicchorus.org and click “Join Us!” to fill out a membership application.
The 2019 Chorus Impact Study found that adults of all ages who sing with others experience better health, feel more connected to others, and are more optimistic in general.
“At a time when we feel increasingly stressed and disconnected, singing encourages mindfulness and meaningful social relationships. At a time when we are searching for ways to bring different communities together and find common ground across divisive issues, choruses are powerhouses of connection and tolerance. And at a time when we are living longer and looking to maintain a high quality of life into retirement and beyond, singing promotes healthy, vibrant aging.”
— Catherine Peterson, Chair, and Catherine Dehoney, President and CEO of Chorus America
OCC members commit to attending Monday night rehearsals and participating in concerts on April 23 and May 7. Semester dues ($50 regular/$25 student) cover the cost of music. The May concert will be a benefit for Memory Makers, a day-care program for people with dementia.
About: Oxford Civic Chorus, a 501(c)(3), has been inspiring singers, enriching community, and expanding musical horizons since 1998. The choir gathers for weekly rehearsals, performs two concerts a year, and is available to sing at local events. Join, donate, or learn more at oxfordcivicchorus.org and facebook.com/OxfordCivicChorus.