Home town: Meridian, Mississippi
Bars where you have worked: Freddie’s Beach Bar (Arlington, Virginia), Frank & Marlee’s, Locals, The Wine Bar
In your experience, what is the most common reason to have a drink? To cut the dust of the trail.
What’s your favorite ingredient or flavor combination? Bourbon
What is your most essential bar tool? A good bar back.
Where’s your favorite spot to sip in Oxford / your hometown? At my friends Mac and Steve’s condo.
What are your personal specialties? Old school mixed drinks: Tom / Tim Collins, Manhattans, Old Fashioneds, et al.
What do you wish people would order more often? Less often? More good everything. Less Bud Heavy, Bud Light & Mich Ultra. That’s not beer.
Early alcohol experience: Oxford, many moons past.
Most famous customer you’ve ever served: Dr. John Hailman.
Who would you most like to have a drink with; where and what would you imbibe? Charles de Gaulle in Paris and we’d drink a three-year-old Malbec.
What have you been listening to this year? French Pop: Racine Carrée by Stormae.
Favorite movie of all time: Paris, Je T’aime
Favorite sport & team: Football (real football), Liverpool Football Club.
Who’s your favorite Rebel, and do you really ever go 18 MPH? Dr. Sara Wellman, and yes I do, at night.
Read any good books lately? The entire Badge of Honor series by W.E.B. Griffin. Actually, anything by Mr. Griffin.
What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen in your bar lately? A male grad student dropped a pack of rubbers on the first date.
Where would you be if you weren’t behind a bar? If I could choose? I’d work for OPD or Lafayette County Sherriff’s Department while I finish my undergrad.
This article was originally printed in The Local Voice #215 (published October 23, 2014).
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