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The Local Voice #283
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The Local Voice #283:
July 13–27, 2017
The Local Voice PDF edition comes with tons of extras that you can’t get in our newspaper. TLV’s PDF includes five pages of events from all over Mississippi plus six additional pages of puzzles, solutions to all, and comix.
Get music and entertainment listings in Clarksdale, Tupelo, Tunica, Vicksburg, Corinth, Southaven, Greenville, and elsewhere in Mississippi.
Oxford Pop-Up Choir
Damein Wash is leading a pop-up choir at Good Night Market on Friday, July 21. Find out how to get involved.
View From the Balcony by Randy Weeks
Randy bumps into a familiar face on the balcony.
Music Notes
Kell Kellum releases a steel guitar rendition of Wilco’s A Ghost is Born. Captain Midnight and Project Pat making tour stops at Proud Larrys.
Local Q&A:
What is your favorite watermelon “hack”?
by The Local Voice Staff
The Local Voice has Food & Drink Specials, Local Entertainment Calendar, Comix, Puzzles & Brain Teasers, Trivia, and more cool stuff to keep you entertained and well fed in the North Mississippi area.
The Local Voice #283 newspaper is 12 pages and FREE at over 300 locations, but The Local Voice PDF is 24 pages and has even more events and shows in North Mississippi.
TLV’s PDF has puzzles, comix, and solutions.
Check out Entertainment in Oxford, Tupelo, the Delta, and beyond… North Mississippi events are in The Local Voice PDF – download now!