While only around 150 Mississippians and barely over 25,000 people nationwide have managed to sign up on the Obamacare exchanges, millions of Americans have received cancelation notices from their health insurance providers.
In addition, the few people who have successfully used the Obamacare website are finding limited, costly options that often do not include their current doctors and hospitals. Not being able to keep your doctor is yet another broken promise of Obamacare.
Friday, despite a veto threat, an overwhelming bipartisan majority voted to keep the promise President Obama made to the American public by passing the Keep Your Health Plan Act, of which I am a cosponsor.
The legislation is straightforward and fair: nobody, particularly individuals, families and small businesses struggling in the Obama economy, should be forced to pay more and lose their doctor simply because bureaucrats in Washington do not approve of their health insurance plans.
Here’s a link to Alan Nunnelee speaking in Congress on the “Keep Your Health Plan Act”
You can visit nunnelee.house.gov for more info on our Congressman – and click here to view the district he represents.