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- Call to order.
- Adopt the agenda for the meeting.
- Mayor’s Report.
- Authorize approval of minutes of the regular meeting on June 3, 2014.
- Authorize approval of accounts for all city departments.
- Dr. Sandy Rogers to present information about services provided by Communicare.
- Third reading and vote of ordinance amending Section 102 Article XVII regarding loading and unloading requirements. (Matt Davis)
- Third reading and vote on an amendment to the Historic Preservation Demolition ordinance. (Andrea Correll)
- Mike Mossing to present annual report from Pathways Commission.
- Request approval of a preliminary and final plat for Oxford Commons Phase 1, Tract C, Part 3-a subdivision of 3 (The Blake) . (Andrea Correll)
- Request approval of plat amendment for Oxford Commons, Phase 2 for Kenlan Development (Malco Family Center area). (Andrea Correll)
- Second reading and public hearing of amendment to taxi ordinance. (Jimmy Allgood)
- Request permission to advertise for bids for electric transformers. (Rob Neely)
- Accept bids for 15KV 600 amp Padmount Switchgear. (Rob Neely)
- Request permission for engineer to attend TVPPA Engineer and Operations Conference in Murfreesboro, TN on August 6th-8th at an estimated cost of $917.00. (Rob Neely)
- Authorize Mayor and Chief of Police to sign updated interlocal agreement for Metro Narcotics. (Keith Davis/James Owens)
- Recommend approval for Charles Harold Ray, Vernon Lee Wilson, Troy D. Mason, Karyie Ann Kusisto, Warren O’Neal Key, and Denver Edward Bridwell as drivers for Oxford Taxi. (James Owens)
- First reading of an amendment to Chapter 98 Article IV, Erosion Control, Code of Ordinances. (Bart Robinson)
- First reading of an Ordinance to amend Article IV, section 212, Site Plan Review; sections 212.03 Contents, Section 212.04, Conditions and General Considerations on Issuance of Site Plan Approval, and Section 212.05, Site Plan Review Design Guidelines of the Land Development Code; revision addresses construction staging. (Bart Robinson)
- Authorize Mayor to sign Easement and Construction Agreement for Federal Aid Project No. STP-0019-02(049), 102168/30200 (Hwy 7 Frontage Road). (Bart Robinson)
- Authorize travel for public works employee(s) to attend the Annual Sewer/Wastewater Conference and Operator of the Year banquet at a total estimated cost of $504.00. (Bart Robinson)
- Authorize change directive for Fire Station/EOC in the amount of $12,256.96. (Bart Robinson)
- First reading of an amendment to Chapter 98, Article V, Stormwater Management, Code of Ordinances. (Bart Robinson)
- Authorize travel for 10 sanitation employees to attend MDOT’s Chainsaw Safety & Storm Clearance for Local Roads in Batesville on July 9th at a cost of $350. (Amberlyn Liles)
- Authorize employment of Marcellus Carothers as a part-time seasonal worker in the Sanitation/Recycling department. (Al Hope)
- Authorize employment of Elliott L. Bullard, Amy V. Tyson, and Steven P. Austin as part-time drivers for the double decker buses. (Al Hope)
- Authorize changes to the employee handbook. (Al Hope)
- Authorize promotion in Public Works department. (Al Hope)
- Accept resignation in Fire Department. (Al Hope)
- Consider executive session.
Questions regarding this agenda? Call 662-232-2312, or contact Lisa Carwyle, City Clerk:lcarwyle@oxfordms.net Auxiliary aids and services may be available to individuals with disabilities upon twenty-four (24) hours request by contacting Al E. Hope, Sr., City of Oxford ADA Coordinator at 662-232-2453.