- Call to order.
- Adopt the agenda for the meeting.
- Mayor’s Report.
- Authorize approval of minutes of the regular meeting on October 7, 2014 and recessed meeting on October 9, 2014.
- Authorize approval of accounts for all city departments.
- Announce vacancy on the Oxford University Transit Commission.
- Consider consent agenda:
b) Request permission to travel to Philadelphia, MS on November 4-7, 2014 for Utility Locator Training with a cost of $894.00. (Bart Robinson)
c) Authorize advertisement for a part-time engineer with the Public Works department, as budgeted. (Braxton Tullos)
d) Authorize advertisement for an office manager for the Planning Department. (Braxton Tullos)
e) Authorize employment of a part-time worker in Building & Grounds Department. (Braxton Tullos)
f) Accept resignation of Deputy City Clerk and authorize advertisement for a Deputy City Clerk. (Braxton Tullos)
g) Declare list of vehicles surplus and authorize advertisement on govdeals.com. (Bo Ragon)
i) Request approval of K-9 officer to attend Handler’s Course fromNovember 10-21, 2014 in Little Rock, AR with a cost of $2,000.00. (Joey East)
j) Request approval for four officers to attend DUI Training & Legal Updates from November 4 – 6, 2014 in Meridian, MS at a cost of $652.00. (Joey East)
k) Request approval for three officers to attend MS Association of Gang Investigators annual meeting from November 11-14, 2014 in Biloxi, MS with a cost of $11732.92. (Joey East)
l) Recommend Kiara Smith and Andrew Freeman as pedicab drivers. (Joey East)
m) Request approval for two Planning Department employees to attend training at the MS/AL Planning Association Conference in Tupelo, MS on November 13-14, 2014 with a cost of $623.00. (Andrea Correll)
n) Adopt Municipal Compliance Questionnaire. (Lisa Carwyle)
- Second reading and public hearing of a proposed (MD) Medical Zoning District including new cross reference to the Sign Ordinance, Article 5 Sign Regulations Section 192.09 Special Provisions adding 5. (Andrea Correll)
- Second reading and public hearing of an amendment to Section 126.06, Underground Utilities. (Andrea Correll)
- Request to advertise for Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Planning Services to write and develop the City of Oxford Comprehensive Long-Rangy Plan. (Andrea Correll)
- Adopt transfer resolution of cable franchise from MetroCast to BCI Mississippi Broadband, LLC.
- Discuss gameday/weekend traffic counts. (Bart Robinson)
- Discuss Memorandum of Agreement between MDOT and the City for high mast lighting at Old Taylor Road and Jackson Avenue. (Bart Robinson)
- Accept bids and award contract for utility relocations in conjunction with FNC Frontage Road. (Bart Robinson)
- First reading of an ordinance amending Section 26- Cemeteries, of the City of Oxford Code of Ordinances. (Bart Robinson)
- Discuss retaining appraisers for property adjacent to FNC Park. (Bart Robinson)
- Third reading and vote of an ordinance amending Section 102 Article XVI – Method of Parking. (Matt Davis)
- Accept maintenance of parking meters. (Matt Davis)
- Approve amendments to the 2013-2014 Budget. (Lisa Carwyle)
- Request approval for off duty uniformed officers to work security detail at Walmart during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday shopping season. (Joey East)
- Consider executive session.
Questions regarding this agenda? Call 662-232-2312, or contact Lisa Carwyle, City Clerk:lcarwyle@oxfordms.net
Auxiliary aids and services may be available to individuals with disabilities upon twenty-four (24) hours request by contacting Braxton Tullos, City of Oxford ADA Coordinator at 662-232-2453.