The fifth annual event will welcome parents and kids on October 27, 2022
Community members slinging candy is, as one might expect, a primary draw for the Halloween-themed Trunk or Treat event in the parking lot at Coleman Funeral Home, but lately a friendly neighborhood web-slinger and his friends give the sweets a run for their wrappers.
“In the past couple of years, we’ve had staff in costume as super heroes, such as Spider-Man and Captain American,” said Glenn Coleman, co-owner of Coleman Funeral Home. “It seems like half the kids see Spider-Man and want their picture made with him—almost more so than they even want candy.”
Coleman Funeral Home will host its annual fifth Trunk or Treat on October 27 from 5 to 7 pm. The event is free and is open to all families with children 12 and under. Coleman said the goal of Trunk or Treat is to bring the community together and provide kids with a safe place to trick or treat. Especially for smaller children, he said, trick-or-treating from parked car to parked car can be a safer alternative to going door-to-door in neighborhood, as well as easier and more contained for families.
“And, besides a photo op with comic book heroes, kids get to see police cars and fire trucks,” Coleman said.
Since the first event in 2017, the word has spread, like a classic ghost story.
“It started with about 12 or 15 cars in the parking lot and about 100 kids,” Coleman said, “It’s grown to where we have 40 or 50 vendors calling us wanting to reserve a spot. We anticipate serving 600 to 1,000 kids this year.”
Along with the increase in community involvement each year, more staff are getting in on the fun. “Our staff members really look forward to it and enjoy making the kids smile,” Coleman said.
Coleman Funeral Home is located at 601 Commerce Parkway. Please enter from CR 401 (behind the property) rather than Highway 7 South.