Those never-to-be-forgotten Oxford 80s days were hosted by a cast of characters we’re not likely to ever see pass this way again. —John Cofield
“Buried deep in my album is a photograph from the hot summer of 1979, of the boys playing music on a flatbed trailer. We appear to be laying down some pretty hot licks, going for the big $100 purse in the band contest on the Oxford square. Old John Bradley is thumping the stand-up bass; Mr. Cragin Knox frails the banjo. Randy Cross, staring off into the flawless summer sky, is on rhythm guitar; the immortal L. W. Thomas is playing lead, and I am sawing on the fiddle. Our faces are solemn masks, the de rigueur expression of the old-time string band. WOOR Radio is flashing us out over the airwaves; the shirt-sleeved judges lean on their elbows; and in the foreground, Mr. Jack Cofield himself is snapping our picture as if we were very big dogs indeed.” —Howard Bahr, Southern Living