Name: Patrick Mink
Home town: Oxford, Mississippi, baby
Bars where you have worked: Soulshine & Moe’s Penny Bar
In your experience, what is the most common reason to have a drink? Being born
What’s your favorite ingredient or flavor combination? Ethanol for sure
What is your most essential bar tool? Moe Pomerlee
Where’s your favorite spot to sip? Penny if I’m getting drunk. City if it is casual, though I rarely drink casually
What are your personal specialties? Googling how to make drinks and scaring children
Craziest request by a customer? Bud Light
What drink do you recommend to someone who doesn’t know what to order? The door
Most famous customer you’ve ever served: Britain Moor
If you could have a drink with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and what would you drink? Mike Gordon. Appletini
If you’re in charge of the tunes in your bar, what music do you play? Phish 1.0
What’s the best live band you’ve seen in Mississippi? Panic in Southaven. Also The Busty Petites
Favorite movie of all time: Lord of the Rings, specifically the first one. The Balrog is the coolest part of the whole trilogy.
Read any good books lately? The Helping Friendly Book, also Fifty Shades of Grey
Best joke to tell to a grumpy customer: If it’s a girl I’ll just hit on her. Most girls laugh in my face when I hit on them.
What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen in your bar lately? Britain Moor ordering water
Favorite after-shift drink? A glass of red wine listening to island tour in the nude
Where would you be if you weren’t behind a bar? Behind a guitar writing and jamming out the heaters