The fifth film in the Oxford Film Festival‘s “Monday Movies” series. Election Day, directed by Katy Chevigny will be screened on Monday, October 22, at Burns Belfry located at 710 Jackson Avenue East.
The film combines eleven stories shot simultaneously on November 2, 2004, from dawn until long past midnight, and makes them one. Award-winning director Chevigny fielded fourteen film crews to capture the action vérité-style in a diverse range of locations, including Chicago; the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota; Dearborn, Michigan; Cincinnati and Shaker Heights, Ohio; Orlando and Quincy, Florida; St. Louis; New York; the little town of Sapulpa, Oklahoma; and the even tinier Stockholm, Wisconsin.
Election Day is as fast-paced and suspenseful as a thriller, with vote counts and political activism substituting for shootouts and car chases. The heroes of the day are ordinary Americans determined to vote, to turn out others to vote, and to see that the voting is legally and fairly done. Following the film will be a speaker from the League of Women Voters.