When the pandemic hit and businesses were shut down, we faced a dilemma—should we continue printing or not? With the uncertainty of the situation, we made the heartbreaking decision to stop printing until things were more stable. Well, this week, we decided to get back on the paper train and resume our printed product. We present The Local Voice #348 – and it’s full of great information and fun things to read!
The City of Oxford, Lafayette County, and the State of Mississippi have reopened the area to many businesses. It is imperative that we all continue to social distance, wear masks, wash our hands, and take all the necessary precautions to keep ourselves and our fellow citizens healthy and safe. Please be kind to one another! We are excited to begin this journey towards a new normal, however slow it may be.
– Nature Humphries and Newt Rayburn
Read The Local Voice #348: Access the digital edition here or pick-up a copy in the Oxford area