February 29, 2016
9 Suspicious Activities
12 Disturbances
11 Alarms
6 Careless Drivers
4 Malicious Mischiefs
7 Improper Parkings
Harassing Phone Calls
2 Fire Dept. Assists
2 Complaints of Lost Property
2 Ambulance Assists
6 Welfare Concerns
Recovered Property
Noise Violations
Motorist Assist
False Pretense
47 Traffic Citations
24 Wrecks
DUI (Wreck)
6 Careless Driving & DUI
4 Possessions of Drug Paraphernalia
8 Public Intoxications
Careless Driving, No Headlights & DUI
Cutting a Corner & DUI
Suspended Driver’s License, No Insurance & DUI
No Seatbelt & DUI
Careless Driver, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & DUI
Speeding, Expired Tag, Failure to comply & DUI
Failure to comply & DUI
Open Container
Public Intoxication & Fake ID
No Seatbelt, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & MIP
No Seatbelt, No Driver’s License & No Insurance
February 26, 2016
3 Alarms
5 Suspicious Activities
Motorist Assist
3 Disturbances
Public Intoxication
4 Ambulance Assists
2 Petit Larcenies
911 Hang Up
Improper Parking
39 Traffic Citations
5 Wrecks
Public Intoxication
Littering, MIP & Fake ID
DUI & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Careless Driving & MIP
Careless Driving, No Insurance & MIP
Warrant Served
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Tyrone Tillman – Credit Card Fraud
On November 26th officers of the Oxford Police Department took a report of a credit card fraud. The suspect was identified as Tyrone Tillman, 19 of Coffeeville, MS, and a warrant was issued for his arrest. Tillman stole a wallet from Wal-Mart and then used the credit cards at different locations. On February 24th Tillman was located and arrested. On February 25th Tillman was taken before Judge Avent for his Initial Appearance and his bond was set at $2,500.00
February 25, 2016
2 Animal Complaints
Careless Driver
4 Disturbances
Lost Property
2 Suspicious Activities
Fire Dept. Assist
Credit Card Fraud
2 Petit Larcenies
Identity Theft
Welfare Concern
4 Alarms
Burglary – CB Webb
Improper Parking
23 Traffic Citations
4 Wrecks
Expired Tag, Suspended Driver’s License & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Burglary – Oxford Square Apartments
At approximately 02:53 AM Officers spoke with victims that came to the police department and reported that someone broke into their house and stole their cell phones and an Xbox while they were at home. The victims stated they were asleep when they heard someone inside their home. The victims yelled at the suspect to leave at which time the suspect came upstairs and took both victims phones. He then took one of the victims downstairs while he took the Xbox before leaving. No one was injured and it is unclear at this time if a weapon was used. Investigators were called to the scene and are currently working the case. We are asking that anyone with information please contact the Detective Division at 662-232-2400 or CrimeStoppers at 662-234-8477.
February 24, 2016
10 Alarms
5 Suspicious Activities
3 Disturbances
Improper Parking
Motorist Assist
Welfare Concern
13 Traffic Citations
10 Wrecks
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & Possession of Schedule 4 Narcotics
Shoplifting & Possession of Schedule 2 Narcotics
February 23, 2016
5 Suspicious Activities
Ambulance Assist
2 Disturbances
Public Intoxication
2 Alarms
Lost Property
Malicious Mischief
2 Improper Parking
2 Welfare Concerns
Careless Driving
Auto Burglary – 1200 Block of Ivy Road
17 Traffic Citations
4 Wrecks
Expired Tag, Suspended Driver’s License & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
2 Possessions of Drug Paraphernalia
No Headlights, Suspended Driver’s License, Expired Tag & No Insurance
February 22, 2016
10 Alarms
11 Disturbances
3 Animal Complaints
3 Ambulance Assists
6 Simple Assaults
3 91 Hang Ups
4 Petit Larcenies
2 Identify Thefts
4 Lost Property
4 Careless Drivers
5 Noise Violations
5 Suspicious Activities
2 Motorist Assists
3 Improper Parking
7 Welfare Concerns
2 Auto Burglaries – 400 Block of S. Lamar & 400 Block of Remy Blvd.
2 Malicious Mischiefs
2 Trespassers
Public Intoxication
Home Burglary – 400 Block of Anchorage Road
Civil Matter
75 Traffic Citations
17 Wrecks
10 Public Intoxications
No Tag, No Insurance, Suspended Driver’s license & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Careless Driving & DUI
Public Intoxication & Fake ID
Public Intoxication, Fake ID, Possession of Schedule 2 Narcotics & Possession of Schedule 4 Narcotics
2 Warrants Served
Obstructing Traffic, No Seatbelt, Fake ID & DUI
Carless Driver, No Driver’s License & DUI
No Seatbelt & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
February 19, 2016
4 Alarms
4 Suspicious Activities
2 Ambulance Assists
2 Malicious Mischiefs
Careless Driver
2 Welfare Concerns
2 Fire Dept. Assists
2 Improper Parking
Lost Property
Harassing Phone Calls
3 Scams
Animal Complaint
45 Traffic Citations
7 Wrecks
Petit Larceny, Resisting Arrest & Public Intoxication
Obstructing Traffic & DUI
Failure to comply & Public Intoxication
2 Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Jeremy Coleman 24 of Marks– Uttering Forgery
On February 18, officers of the Oxford Police Department responded to BancorpSouth in reference to a subject on scene attempting to cash a fraudulent check. Officers made contact with Jeremy Coleman and found that Coleman had cashed other fraudulent checks over the past several days. Coleman was arrested for Uttering Forgery and was taken before Judge Mickey Avent for his Initial Appearance. Coleman’s bond was set at $5,000.00.
February 18, 2016
2 Welfare Concerns
Ambulance Assist
False Pretense
3 Disturbances
911 Hang Up
Petit Larceny
2 Suspicious Activities
16 Traffic Citations
4 Wrecks
Public Intoxication
2 Possessions of drug paraphernalia
Careless Driving & DUI
Warrant Served
Leaving the scene of an accident, Suspended Driver’s License & No Insurance
Possession of drug paraphernalia & Warrant Served
February 17, 2016
3 Suspicious Activities
8 Alarms
2 Welfare Concerns
2 Noise Violations
Careless Driving
Malicious Mischief
Ambulance Assist
Civil Matter
911 Hang Up
43 Traffic Citations
2 Wrecks
Careless Driving & DUI
One Headlight, No Tag, No Insurance & Suspended Driver’s License
Warrant Served
2 Shopliftings
February 16, 2016
12 Alarms
3 Noise Violations
23 Disturbances
Auto Burglary – Links & The Mark
19 Suspicious Activities
5 Ambulance Assists
2 Lost Properties
2 Malicious Mischiefs
Animal Complaint
4 Lost Properties
Fire Dept. Assist
7 Careless Drivers
5 Welfare Concerns
Business Burglary – WingStop
4 Improper Parking
4 Civil Matters
2 911 Hang Ups
Credit Card Fraud
Simple Assault
Petit Larceny
Harassing Phone Calls
Armed Robbery – Campus Creek. Victim stated that he arraigned a meeting with a male subject to purchase $1,000 worth of marijuana. When he arrived the suspect told him to get in his car at which time he pulled a gun and demanded the victim give him all his money. A fight ensued and the suspect hit the victim multiple times. The victim called an ambulance and we arrived and began our investigation. At this time there have been no arrests and the case is ongoing.
88 Traffic Citations
22 Wrecks
Switched Tag, Suspended Driver’s License & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Speeding, No Driver’s License & No Insurance
Speeding & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
2 MIP’s
Disturbing the peace
Possession of Schedule 1 Narcotics
One Headlight, Suspended Driver’s License & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Expired Tag & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Warrant Served
Careless Driving & Public Intoxication
Public Intoxication
2 Careless Driving & DUI
February 12, 2016
5 Alarms
3 Suspicious Activities
2 Noise Violations
False Pretense
Motorist Assist
Grand Larceny
Careless Driver
3 Welfare Concerns
2 Petit Larcenies
Harassing Phone Calls
2 ID Thefts
Malicious Mischief
48 Traffic Citations
8 Wrecks
3 Public Intoxications
Careless Driving & DUI
Public Intoxication, Resisting Arrest & Fake ID
Malicious Mischief
February 11, 2016
6 Alarms
4 Welfare Concerns
Noise Violation
2 Suspicious Activities
2 Improper Parking
Malicious Mischief
2 Motorist Assists
Lost Property
Harassing Phone Calls
Careless Driving
Animal Complaint
81 Traffic Citations
7 Wrecks
Warrant Served
Deon Darden 26 of Memphis & Daniel Jackson 27 of Memphis – Credit Card Fraud
On February 4th the Oxford Police Department received information from the Olive Branch Police Department in reference to possible credit card frauds that occurred in Oxford. After further investigation, it was discovered that there were several incidents of credit card fraud that had occurred. These incidents took place at Home Depot, Office Depot and Kroger. The suspects, later identified as Deon Darden and Daniel Jackson, went into these store and bought multiple MasterCard gift cards in numerous amounts with fraudulent credit cards. On February 8th Darden and Jackson were located and arrested for credit card fraud. Both were taken before Judge Carolyn Bell for their Initial Appearance and their bond was set at $20,000. We have notified the individuals that had their credit card information stolen, they had no idea at the time. There could be more victims as we have learned that these men were working out of Memphis and possibly targeting the mid-south area. We are asking for all residents to check their credit card accounts to make sure they have not had their accounts used also.
February 10, 2016
5 Disturbances
4 Alarms
4 Suspicious Activities
Improper Parking
2 Careless Drivers
Civil Matter
Simple Assault
2 Welfare Concerns
2 Shopliftings
Fire Dept. Assist
37 Traffic Citations
1 Wreck
Speeding, Ran Red Light & DUI
Speeding & Fake ID
No Insurance & DUI (Wreck)
Suicide in Oxford
OXFORD, MISS (Feb. 9, 2016) – At approximately 3:00 pm on February 9, 2016 a 911 phone call came through dispatch reporting an unresponsive individual near 1543 South Lamar. Upon their arrival, EMS determined the subject to be deceased from an apparent self-inflicted gun-shot wound. At this time Oxford Police Department Investigators are still working on the details of the incident and no further information is available at this time.
February 9, 2016
3 Disturbances
6 Alarms
4 Fire Dept. Assists
4 Suspicious Activities
2 Welfare Concerns
Careless Driving
Credit Card Fraud
Motorist Assist
Lost Property
Improper Parking
Malicious Mischief
18 Traffic Citations
3 Wrecks
No Seatbelt, No Insurance & Warrant Served
***Possible Strong Arm Robbery***
Officers took a walk in report late yesterday afternoon where they spoke with a victim that stated the previous night he was walking on Mall Drive ( Near Jackson Ave and the Intermural Fields) when a light colored sedan pulled up beside him. The passenger, black male, got out and told him to give him his backpack. The victim did not give a description of the driver, only that he was a black male. At this time we do not believe a weapon was used and cannot link this case with any of the other robberies. There were no injuries and the case is still under investigation.
February 8, 2016
7 Alarms
Lost Property
Civil Matter
2 Fire Dept. Assists
Public Intoxication
5 Careless Drivers
5 Disturbances
10 Suspicious Activities
911 Hang Up
2 Improper Parking
Harassing Phone Calls
5 Welfare Concerns
3 Noise Violations
2 Simple Assaults
Code Violation
2 Animal Complaints
Motorist Assist
Credit Card Fraud
67 Traffic Citations
11 Wrecks
3 Possessions of Drug Paraphernalia
Speeding, Possessions of Drug Paraphernalia & Possession of Marijuana in a motor vehicle
3 Careless Driving & DUI
4 Public Intoxications
Speeding, Running a red light & DUI
Careless Driving, No Driver’s License & DUI
Petit Larceny
One Headlight & Suspended Driver’s License
Speeding & Fake ID
Domestic Violence
2 Public Intoxications & Fake ID
Expired Tag, No Driver’s License & DUI
February 5, 2016
3 Suspicious Activities
2 Ambulance Assists
2 Shopliftings
Improper Parking
Credit Card Fraud
False Pretense
Petit Larceny
3 Welfare Concerns
Malicious Mischief
Civil Matter
33 Traffic Citations
13 Wrecks
One Headlight & DUI
Speeding & DUI
Improper Equipment, No Insurance, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & DUI
Careless Driving, No Driver’s License & DUI
5 Public Intoxications
2 Careless Driving & DUI
One Headlight & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Speeding, Expired Tag & DUI
Warrant Served
Suspended Driver’s License & No Insurance
February 4, 2016
2 Alarms
Ambulance Assist
3 Disturbances
Malicious Mischief
3 Welfare Concerns
Animal Complaint
2 Suspicious Activities
911 Hang Up
Lost Property
Improper Parking
53 Traffic Citations
6 Wrecks
Leaving the scene of an accident & DUI
No Headlights & DUI
2 Warrants Served
2 Possessions of Drug Paraphernalia
Simple Assault
Speeding, Fake ID & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
John Key – DUI 3rd
On Tuesday February 2nd 2016, Oxford Police Officers arrested John Henry Key 56,of Oxford. This was a result of a traffic stop for a seatbelt violation. Key was arrested for the seatbelt violation, no driver’s license & DUI 3rd. His bond was set at $2,850.00.
Jason Bland – Embezzlement
On Wednesday, February 03, 2016, Investigators of the Oxford Police Department served an arrest warrant for Felony Embezzlement on Jason Bland (33) of Water Valley, MS. Bland was arrested after he was caught embezzling over $1,000.00 from Kangaroo Gas Station on Hwy 278 West his bond was set at $5,000.00.
February 3, 2016
3 Alarms
2 Improper Parking’s
4 Suspicious Activities
Petit Larceny
Fire Dept. Assist
Recovered Property
Malicious Mischief
2 911 Hang Ups
Lost Property
19 Traffic Citations
8 Wrecks
Speeding, Failure to Yield & DUI
No Seatbelt, No Driver’s License & DUI
Warrant Served
Derrick Brown Jr. Embezzlement
On Tuesday, February 2, 2016 Investigators of the Oxford Police Department served an arrest warrant on Derrick Brown, Jr. (23) of Indianola, MS with 97-23-19 Felony Embezzlement. Brown was arrested after he was caught by Wal-Mart staff embezzling $1,100.00 from mid-December to the end of January. Brown has been booked into the Lafayette County Jail and his bond was set at $2,500.00
Jason Charles Holtgren (36) of Hammond, LA was found in Hammond, LA in possession of a vehicle that was stolen from Oby’s in Oxford, MS on 12/19/2015. Holtgren stole the vehicle and drove it back to his hometown and got into a verbal disturbance with his girlfriend and the Hammond Police Department was called. When Hammond PD arrived Holtgren fled the area on foot. A short chase ensued with Hammond PD taking him in to custody. While on scene they ran the tag to the car in the driveway and they were notified that the car was indeed stolen. Holtgren is currently in jail on a $175,000.00 bond in Hammond and a hold has been placed on him by the Oxford Police Department. Whenever Holtgren is cleared with Hammond Police Department, he will be transferred to our custody to face a judge for his Grand Larceny charge.
February 2, 2016
Welfare Concern
3 Noise Violations
4 Disturbances
Harassing Phone Calls
911 Hang Up
Malicious Mischief
Animal Complaint
35 Traffic Citations
8 Wrecks
Petit Larceny, Public Intoxication & Fake ID
Robert Fortner- Burglary & Kidnapping
On Sunday, January 31, at approximately 3:21 AM the Oxford Police Department arrested Robert Fortner(37 of Courtland, MS.) for Burglary and Kidnapping. Officers were dispatched to the corner of N. Lamar and Jefferson Ave. for a possible disturbance. The caller stated that he saw a white male and an older white female at that location and he believed the female was in distress. When officers arrived they found what they believed to be the same thing. As they approached the female she ran to them and the male, Robert Fortner, threw an object at the officers and began approaching in an aggressive manner. Officers had to take Fortner to the ground after he resisted their commands. Once Fortner was secure they were able to speak with the victim. She told officers that she heard someone outside her home and saw Fortner rummaging through her backyard. By the time she got out of bed and into the living area Fortner had already made entry. She attempted to call 911 but Fortner took her phone. She ran outside and Fortner chased her down. He told her that he was owed money and he was taking her to go get it. By this time they had made it to the corner of N. Lamar & Jefferson Ave. She was attempting to reason with him when a witness drove by and called us. The victim does not know Fortner and when Investigators interviewed him he had no knowledge of the events and believed he was in Tupelo, MS. We believe alcohol and drugs was a contributing factor. The case is still ongoing and Fortner was given a bond of $50,000. He has posted bond.
February 1, 2016
15 Disturbances
2 Petit Larcenies
11 Suspicious Activities
5 Careless Driver’s
3 911 Hang Ups
2 Lost Properties
Grand Larceny
Code Violation
10 Alarms
3 Welfare Concerns
Motorist Assist
6 Improper Parking’s
2 Credit Card Frauds
3 Civil Matters
Public Intoxication
2 Malicious Mischiefs
3 Noise Violations
Simple Assault
2 Animal Complaints
Recovered Property
147 Traffic Citations
20 Wrecks
3 Warrants Served
9 Public Intoxications
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & MIP
Fake ID
Leaving the scene of an accident, No Insurance, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Suspended Driver’s License & DUI
Careless Driving, Fake ID, MIP & DUI
2 Seatbelt Violations & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Malicious Mischief
Ran Red Light, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & Suspended Driver’s License
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Careless Driving & DUI
Leaving the scene of an accident & DUI
Careless Driving, No Insurance & DUI
Speeding & DUI
Speeding, No Insurance, Suspended Driver’s License & DUI
Previous Oxford, Mississippi Crime Reports:
January 2016
December 2015
November 2015
October 2015
September 2015
August 2015
July 2015
June 2015
May 2015
April 2015
March 2015
February 2015
January 2015