March 31, 2016
Public Intoxication
3 Alarms
Harassing Phone Calls
4 Suspicious Activities
Welfare Concern
3 Animal Complaints
4 Disturbances
Fire Dept. Assist
Illegally Parked Car
Civil Matter
Petit Larceny
31 Traffic Citations
2 Wrecks
Careless Driving & DUI
March 30, 2016
7 Alarms
3 Suspicious Activities
Noise Violation
2 Disturbances
3 Animal Complaints
4 Scams
2 Harassing Phone Calls
Careless Driver
911 Hang Up
Petit Larceny
33 Traffic Citations
4 Wrecks
No Insurance & DUI ( Wreck)
Public Intoxication
Careless Driving, Suspended Driver’s License & DUI
No Seatbelt, No Driver’s License & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Kevin Pegues – Aggravated Assault
On Thursday, March 29, 2016, Investigators of the Oxford Police Department arrested Kevin Pegues (30) of Oxford with Aggravated Assault [97-3-72(2)(ii)].Pegues was arrested after he got into an altercation with another male. He then struck the male in the face with a baseball bat causing extensive damage to the victim. Pegues was booked and his bond was set at $2,500.00.
March 29, 2016
3 Ambulance Assists
4 Suspicious Activities
5 Alarms
2 Animal Complaints
3 Welfare Concerns
Fire Dept. Assist
2 Motorist Assists
Credit Card Fraud
Auto Burglary – Brighton Village
911 Hang Up
Careless Driving
23 Traffic Citations
8 Wrecks
Careless Driving, No Seatbelt & DUI
Aggravated Assault – Patrol Officers responded to Robinson Road at approximately 0045 this morning for an assault. Kevin Pegues (30 of Oxford) hit another male in the face with a baseball bat. The victim was airlifted to Memphis with extensive damage to his head and face. It is believed that he will be ok and make a full recovery. Pegues is in custody for Aggravated Assault and is awaiting a bond. No picture is available at this time. Once a bond is set I will send out the rest of his information. The case is still under investigation.
Strong Arm Robbery – Patrol Officers responded to Robinson Road at approximately 2330 for a robbery call. They spoke with the victim who stated 5 juvenile males approached him and three of the males assaulted him while the other 2 broke the windows out of his car. The 2 males then pointed weapons at him and demanded his wallet. They then got back into their car and left the scene. This is an ongoing dispute from a previous investigation where the victim broke the windows out of a car belonging to one of the juveniles mother’s car. The victim has been able to identify the juveniles and the case will be handled in juvenile court.
Deontae Harris – Sexual Battery
On Sunday, March 27, the Oxford Police Department arrested Deontae Harris (24 Oxford, MS.) for sexual battery. Harris attended a party at a friend’s house Saturday the 26th. The friend/victim went to bed and at some point Harris entered her room while she was asleep. Once in, Harris had sex with the victim without her consent. Harris then left the house and the victim reported what happened to her roommate. We were contacted by the victim who was able to identify Harris. He was picked up a few hours later and his bond was set at $5,000.
March 28, 2016
14 Alarms
10 Suspicious Activities
16 Disturbances
3 Fire Dept. Assists
5 Malicious Mischiefs
8 Careless Drivers
7 Welfare Concerns
3 Illegally Parked Cars
Code Violation
6 Noise Violations
6 Complaints of Lost Property
2 Motorist Assists
3 Petit Larcenies
2 Civil Matters
Auto Burglary – Van Buren
2 911 Hang Ups
Grand Larceny
Animal Complaint
77 Traffic Citations
19 Wrecks
Petit Larceny
No Taillights, No Driver’s License & No Insurance
Disturbing the peace, Resisting arrest & Public Intoxication
Malicious Mischief
Reckless Driving & DUI
2 Careless Driving & DUI
Public Intoxication, Disturbing The Peace, Simple Assault & Resisting Arrest
Disturbing The Peace & DUI
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Careless Driving, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & DUI
Expired Tag, Suspended Driver’s License & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
DUI (Wreck)
3 Public Intoxications
Public Intoxications & Fake ID
Speeding, No Driver’s License, No Insurance & DUI
Warrant Served
DUI & Fake ID
Speeding, No Insurance & DUI
Ran Stop Sign, Careless Driving & DUI
Expired Tag & DUI
Suspended Driver’s License & Possession of Schedule 1 Narcotics
No Driver’s License & Warrant Served
No Insurance, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & DUI (Wreck)
March 24, 2016
2 Noise Violations
Animal Complaint
3 Disturbances
4 Alarms
6 Suspicious Activities
3 Careless Drivers
Petit Larceny
Ambulance Assist
Auto Burglary – Village Walk
27 Traffic Citations
4 Wrecks
No Headlights & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
2 Public Intoxications
Noise Violation & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
No Seatbelt, No Driver’s License, Warrant Served & Possession of Marijuana with Intent
Possession of Marijuana Less than 30 grams
March 23, 2016
5 Alarms
5 Suspicious Activities
4 Careless Drivers
Lost Property
2 Disturbances
Motorist Assist
2 Welfare Concerns
Petit Larceny
85 Traffic Citations
4 Wrecks
Careless Driving, Warrant Served & DUI
Malicious Mischief
Lonnie Bogard – Harassment
On Tuesday, March 22, 2016, Investigators of the Oxford Police Department charged Lonnie Bogard (38) of Abbeville, MS with Cyberstalking/Email Threats and Harassment (97-45-15). This arrest is the result of Bogard harassing his former girlfriend after he was arrested in January of this year for Domestic Violence. Lonnie Bogard’s bond was set at $2,500.00.
March 22, 2016
4 Suspicious Activities
4 Alarms
Noise Violation
Animal Complaint
2 Disturbances
House Burglary – Edinburgh Condos
911 Hang Up
Complaint of Lost Property
Careless Driver
Motorist Assist
Petit Larceny
Recovered Property
87 Traffic Citations
4 Wrecks
Careless Driving & DUI
Speeding, Possession of Schedule 4 Narcotics & DUI
March 21, 2016
3 Fire Dept. Assists
4 Disturbances
13 Alarms
3 Careless Drivers
6 Suspicious Activities
11 Welfare Concerns
2 Missing Property Returned
Ambulance Assist
2 Malicious Mischiefs
Noise Violation
3 Civil Matters
2 Animal Complaints
Report of a Public Drunk
2 Stalking’s
2 Illegally Parked Cars
Petit Larceny
53 Traffic Citations
12 Wrecks
3 Warrants Served
Careless Driving, Expired DL, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & DUI
Careless Driving, No Seatbelt, Possession of Schedule 1 Narcotics & Possession of Schedule 2 Narcotics
Careless Driving, No Tag & DUI
No Seatbelt & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
No Seatbelt, No DL & DUI
Careless Driving, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & DUI
No Seatbelt & DUI
No Seatbelt, No Insurance & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Ronald Mongeon – Burglary & Motor Vehicle Theft
On Thursday, March 17, 2016, Investigators of the Oxford Police Department charged Ronald Mongeon, Jr (41) of Somerville, TN with one count of Residential Burglary and one count of Motor Vehicle Theft. Mongeon was stopped in Memphis, TN after a warrant was issued for him for burglary. Once Memphis PD had him we advised them that he was suspected in taking a vehicle from the Square a few days earlier. They checked where Mongeon was staying and found our stolen vehicle parked behind his house. The vehicle was in the process of being broken down to be sold. The vehicle was recovered and Mongeon was brought back to Oxford where his bond was revoked because he was out on a pervious felony bond.
Miranda Hurt – Burglary & Motor Vehicle Theft
On Thursday, March 17, 2016, Investigators of the Oxford Police Department charged Miranda Hurt (23) of Oxford, MS with one count of Residential Burglary and one count of Motor Vehicle Theft. Hurt and Mongeon are in a relationship together and both were involved in the burglary and taking of the vehicle from the Square. Hurt was at the residence when officers arrived. She was taken into custody and brought back to Oxford. Hurt’s bond was set at $10,000.00.
March 18, 2016
3 Suspicious Activities
4 Alarms
3 Malicious Mischiefs
Careless Driver
Counterfeit Money
Complaint of Lost Property
2 Disturbances
Fire Dept. Assist
Petit Larceny
Harassing Phone Calls
2 Motorist Assists
Civil Matter
Welfare Concern
53 Traffic Citations
3 Wrecks
2 Careless Driving & DUI
Public Intoxication
One Headlight & Open Container
Speeding, One Headlight, No Insurance & DUI
One Headlight, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Warrant Served & DUI
Suspended Driver’s License, No Insurance & Expired Tag
Kamika Alvarenga – False Pretense
On Thursday March 17th 2016, Oxford PD Investigators arrested Kamika Alvarenga, 36 of Oxford. She was arrested after her employers at Home Depot caught her not scanning certain items as customers came through her register. She has been arrested for False Pretense and bond was set at $1.000.00.
March 17, 2016
8 Suspicious Activities
4 Alarms
Harassing Phone Calls
Noise Violation
Code Violation
Careless Driving
Ambulance Assist
2 911 Hang Ups
Complaint of Lost Property
Welfare Concern
28 Traffic Citations
7 Wrecks
Careless Driving & DUI
No Headlights, Suspended Driver’s License & DUI
Improper Equipment & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
No Seatbelt, No Insurance, Suspended Driver’s License & DUI
March 16, 2016
8 Alarms
5 Suspicious Activities
2 Disturbances
Fire Dept. Assist
2 Careless Drivers
Motorist Assist
Phone Harassment
Credit Card Fraud
Ambulance Assist
2 Animal Complaints
21 Traffic Citations
4 Wrecks
Public Intoxication
March 15 2016
No report filed.
March 14, 2016
2 Ambulance Assists
1 911 Hang Up
7 Disturbances
3 Petit Larcenies
5 Welfare Concerns
2 Harassing Phone Calls
2 Animal Complaints
3 Careless Drivers
2 Illegally Parked Cars
11 Suspicious Activities
Recovered Property
Motor Vehicle Theft
Simple Assault
Noise Violation
2 Fire Dept. Assists
Civil Matter
75 Traffic Citations
9 Wrecks
Possession of Schedule 2 Narcotics, No Headlights & Suspended Driver’s License
Careless Driving & DUI
Switched Tag & Possession of Marijuana
Careless Driving, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Resisting Arrest & Possession of Marijuana in a motor vehicle
Careless Driving, Speeding & DUI
Careless Driving, No Driver’s License & No Insurance
Petit Larceny
Ran Red Light & DUI
Possession of Schedule 4 Narcotics & DUI
Careless Driving & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Simple Assault
Speeding & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
March 11, 2016
Fire Dept. Assist
7 Alarms
6 Suspicious Activities
Noise Violation
Malicious Mischief
Careless Driver
Complaint of Lost Property
Ambulance Assist
911 Hang Up
Welfare Concern
Motorist Assist
13 Traffic Citations
4 Wrecks
Leaving the scene of an accident & DUI
4 Public Intoxications
Public Intoxication & Disorderly Conduct
Public Intoxication & Open Container
March 10, 2016
4 Alarms
2 911 Hang Ups
2 Welfare Concerns
Civil Matter
3 Improperly Parked Cars
2 Disturbances
Code Violation
3 Motorist Assists
Careless Driver
3 Suspicious Activities
2 Scams
2 Complaints of Lost Property
Harassing Phone Calls
Petit Larceny
Animal Complaint
26 Traffic Citations
7 Wrecks
2 Possessions of Drug Paraphernalia
Expired Tag, Suspended Driver’s License & Warrant Served
2 Speeding & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
No Seatbelt & Suspended Driver’s License
Allen Mathis – Auto Burglary
On March 9, 2016, Investigators of the Oxford Police Department charged Allen Mathis (19) of Oxford, Mississippi with one count of Auto Burglary (97-17-33). Mathis was arrested after Investigators found him with stolen property from a burglary on Old Taylor Road over the weekend. Mathis was booked and his bond was set at $1,500.00.
Willie Mcthune – Fleeing, Felony
On Wednesday March 9, 2016, Oxford Police Officers arrested Willie Mcthune 48, of Oxford. This was a result from an incident on 2/15/2016 where Officers attempted to pull Mcthune over for a traffic violation. He would not stop for officers and a pursuit ensued. The pursuit was eventually deemed unsafe and the offices cancelled the pursuit after they successfully identified Mcthune as the driver. He has been formally charged and bond was set at $1,500.00
March 9, 2016
Ambulance Assist
3 Alarms
3 Suspicious Activities
6 Careless Drivers
2 Fire Dept. Assists
911 Hang Up
Welfare Concern
Simple Assault
3 Disturbances
Grand Larceny
2 Motorist Assist
41 Traffic Citations
4 Wrecks
Failure to Comply, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Public Intoxication & Resisting Arrest
Ran Red Light, Ran Stop Sign, MIP & DUI
2 Possessions of Drug Paraphernalia
Warrant Served & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
No Seatbelt & Suspended Driver’s License
Jerimia Lawson 34 of Waterford, Mississippi – Domestic Violence Aggravated Assault
On March 6th officers of the Oxford Police Department responded to a disturbance. On scene officers found that a domestic assault had occurred. The victim stated that her ex-husband, Jerimia Lawson, assaulted her by strangling her and kicking her in the stomach. The victim was 6 months pregnant and was transported to Baptist Memorial Hospital. Lawson was arrested for Domestic Violence – Aggravated Assault. Austin was taken before Judge McLarty for his Initial Appearance and his bond was set at $ 10,000.00. At this time there appears to be injury to the baby but we will continue to monitor that with the victim. No injuries to the baby at this time.
March 8, 2016
4 Alarms
Noise Violation
2 Suspicious Activities
3 Motorist Assists
Animal Complaint
Pepping Tom – Campus Creek
2 Fire Dept. Assists
Petit Larceny
Malicious Mischief
Welfare Concern
Ambulance Assist
37 Traffic Citations
6 Wrecks
Possession of drug paraphernalia & Possession of marijuana in a motor vehicle
Disturbing the peace
No headlights, Possession of drug paraphernalia & DUI
No taillights & DUI
No headlights, No Insurance & No Driver’s License
3 Public Intoxications
No Seatbelt & Possession of drug paraphernalia
Possession of drug paraphernalia
No Seatbelt, Suspended Driver’s License & Possession of marijuana with intent
March 7, 2016
16 Suspicious Activities
Civil Matter
6 Noise Violations
7 Careless Drivers
6 Disturbances
11 Alarms
Credit Card Fraud
4 Motorist Assists
5 Welfare Concerns
2 Auto Burglaries – Turnberry Condos & Campus Creek
2 Illegally Parked Tag
Grand Larceny
Code Violation
Business Burglary – Malco on Sisk
Aggravated Assault
Fire Dept. Assist
Fire Dept. Assist
Lost Property
Petit Larceny
2 Animal Complaints
75 Traffic Citations
13 Wrecks
Leaving the scene of an accident, No Seatbelt, No Driver’s License, No Insurance & DUI
Domestic Violence Simple Assault
Noise Violations & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Possession of Schedule 3 Narcotics
Suspended Driver’s License & Expired Tag
9 Public Intoxications
3 Failure to comply
Suspended Driver’s License & DUI
One Headlight & MIP
2 Possessions of Drug Paraphernalia
Speeding, No Insurance & MIP
Speeding, Fake ID & MIP
No Seatbelt, No Insurance & & Suspended Driver’s License
Speeding & DUI
Careless Driver, Expired DL & DUI
No Insurance & DUI
Possession of Schedule 1 Narcotics, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & Public Intoxication
2 Noise Violations
Open Container
Warrant Served
Careless Driver & Possession of Marijuana in a motor vehicle
Speeding & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
March 4, 2016
Civil Matter
3 Suspicious Activity
Disturbing the Peace
Domestic Violence Simple Assault
Petit Larceny
Simple Assault
2 Harassment Cyberstalking/Threating Email
Careless Driving
3 Alarm
Motorist Asist
Suspicious Person
2 Identity Theft
Welfare Concern
43 Traffic Tickets
7 Accidents
Trespassing and Public Drunk
DUI 1st
DUI 1st, Possession Drug Paraphernalia, Possession Fake D.L., Failure to Yield Right a Way
DUI, Possession Schedule 4 Drug
DUI 1st
Imp Equipment, No Liability Ins., Suspended Driver’s License
Speeding, No Liability Ins., Possession Fake D. L.
No/Exp. Tag, Suspended D. L.
Obstructing Traffic, No D.L., DUI 1st, Child Endangerment by DUI
Careless Driving, Possession Fake D.L., Possession of Alcohol by Minor
March 3, 2016
4 Disturbances
3 Suspicious Activities
Careless Driver
Animal Complaint
Harassing Phone Calls
Identity Theft
False Pretense
Burglary – Riverside Apartments
2 Fire Dept. Assists
Improper Parking
911 Hang Up
43 Traffic Citations
8 Wrecks
2 Public Intoxications
Warrant Served
One Headlight & Suspended Driver’s License
One Headlight & Suspended Driver’s License & Warrant Served
DUI (Wreck)
No Seatbelt, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
March 2, 2016
3 Disturbances
Noise Violation
4 Suspicious Activities
4 Petit Larcenies
2 Civil Matters
2 Complaints of Lost Property
Welfare Concern
Improper Parking
2 Animal Complaints
41 Traffic Citations
11 Wrecks
Careless Driver, Ran Stop Sign, Expired Tag & DUI
Expired Tag, Suspended Driver’s License & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Careless Driving & DUI
March 1, 2016
13 Suspicious Activities
2 Fire Dept. Assists
2 Complaints of Lost Property
2 Illegally Parked Vehicles
5 Welfare Concerns
Noise Violation
3 Alarms
911 Hang Up
Careless Driver
5 Disturbances
Identity Theft
Petit Larceny
20 Traffic Citations
8 Wrecks
One Headlight, Suspended Driver’s License & DUI
No Seatbelt & Suspended Driver’s License
Ran Red Light & Possession of Marijuana in a Motor Vehicle
Howard Nunnally – Aggravated Domestic Violence & Possession of a firearm by a Felon
On Friday February 26, 2016, the Oxford Police Department arrested Howard Nunnally 24,of Kingsport, TN. This was a result of the victim arriving at work and one of her co-workers reported to us that she had been assaulted. When we arrived we were able to determine that she had been assaulted and she told us that her boyfriend, Nunnally, assaulted her at her apartment. We went back to her apartment to locate Nunnally at which time he fled on foot. We were able to catch him and when we did we found that he had a firearm and $5,000 worth of counterfeit money. He has been arrested on the above mentioned charges and he is on hold for multiple agencies out of Tennessee for Armed Robbery and Statutory Rape. His bond for us was set at $25,000.
Previous Oxford, Mississippi Crime Reports:
February 2016
January 2016
December 2015
November 2015
October 2015
September 2015
August 2015
July 2015
June 2015
May 2015
April 2015
March 2015
February 2015
January 2015