Movie night, expert speakers, student showcase events scheduled April 2-5, 2024 Two renowned neuroscientists will discuss the...
Bryant Hall
On Wednesday, December 20, 2023, friends of Gaetano “Guy” Catelli gathered at Bryant Hall on the University...
Funeral Mass for local photographer and frequent Local Voice contributor Reynolds Russell, aka Billy Joe Russell, but...
Professor, campus center bring ‘new thoughts’ to Ole Miss Two speakers will discuss their modern views on...
Outside stately Bryant Hall on a balmy day in early autumn, teachers, and students from the University...
Retiring School of Applied Sciences associate dean to share reflections in Bryant Hall Jasper Mark Loftin, associate...
Members of the Lafayette-Oxford-University community can listen and engage in debate about transportation issues in Oxford on...
Someone looking for a great way to spend a lunch hour would be hard-pressed to do better...
Lunchtime music series in Bryant Hall continues with Nave Graham The next performance in the First Tuesdays...
Noontime music series features ambient music this month The First Tuesdays in Bryant Hall Noontime Music Series...
Price Walden brings rarely-heard Schumann and original compositions to Bryant Hall at midday Composer and pianist Price...