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The Local Voice #247
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The Local Voice #247:
February 4 – 18, 2016
Oxford Film Fest Expands Heading Into 13th Year
It’s time, y’all! The Oxford Film Fest is upon us and this year is sure to please. TLV has the scoop on our favorite films plus a full schedule of events.
by Alex Thiel
Forced Move: Mississippi Narrative Feature Film
Interviews with Director Tony Bloodworth, and Actors Rhes Low & Jennifer Pierce Mathus
by Caleb Fisher-Wirth
TLV’s readers love Robbie Fisher’s film, A Mississippi Love Story
an interview by Caleb Fisher-Wirth
Oxford Film Fest, Featured Programming Block Spotlights:
Animation Block
by Brittain Thompson
Mississippi Narrative Short Block
by Caleb Fisher-Wirth
Local Government:
Ward 1 Alderman To Be Decided In Special Election on February 16
Oxford must hold a special election on Tuesday, February 16 after Ward 1 Alderman Jay Hughes resigned in December. The candidates to fill this vacant seat are attorney and businessman Jordan Bankhead and local photographer Rick Addy.
by Brittain Thompson
Local Correspondence:
A Rejoinder to James M. Thomas
Ole Miss Senior English Professor Peter Wirth responds to Assistant Sociology Professor James M. Thomas‘ critical correspondence in TLV #246 of Wirth’s “In Defense of Confederate Symbols” article in The Local Voice #245.
The Great Magnolia Vagabond: No. 9/ 1993: Schooled by “Rule” in Holly Springs
by Rafael Alvarez
The FlickerBox
Movies, Television and Streaming Content Reviews and Recommendations
by Matt Wymer
Non-Sucky Gifts For Your Valentine’s Sweetie
by TLV Staff
by Alex Thiel
Local Q&A:
“What’s your favorite movie-going ritual?”
By Local Voice Staff
PLUS local Food & Drink Specials, Local Entertainment Calendar, Comix, Puzzles & Brain Teasers, Trivia, and more cool stuff to keep you entertained and well fed in the Oxford, Ole Miss, and North Mississippi area!
Food & Drink Specials, Local Entertainment Calendar, Comix, Puzzles & Brain Teasers, Trivia, and more cool stuff to keep you entertained and well fed in the Oxford, Ole Miss, and North Mississippi area.