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The Local Voice #274 PDF
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The Local Voice #274:
March, 2–23, 2017
Oxford Writes: Sharing The Craft
Oxford Writes is hosting a free workshop on March 25 for Aspiring Writers.
by Galen Holley
Miss-I-Sippin’ Beer Festival March 24–25
The Yoknapatawpha Art Council is hosting its annual beer festival featuring tastings and pairings around town from regional breweries.
by Joe Humphries
Eighth Annual Oxford St. Paddy’s Pub Crawl
This year the pub crawl hits the usual spots but now features Jameson Irish Whiskey as a very appropriate sponsor. Don’t miss out on tasting new Jameson flavors and free prizes.
by Blarney Thompson
Do It Yourself, Oxford
Oxford Business owners, musicians, and DIY venue operators chime in on what the Oxford Music Community needs to get itself back on its feet.
by Brittain Thompson
Q&A with Justin Hasting of Zoogma
The guitarist of one of Oxford most successful bands answers a few questions about their early days in town.
by TLV News
Local Musician Ben Ricketts’ Here, Asleep ALbum Release Show March 4
Ben Ricketts Talk about about the long journey the album took to reach its final draft.
by Brittain Thompson
Poetry from James Tighe
Local Q&A:
“What is at the end of your rainbow?”
by The Local Voice Staff
Puzzle Solutions are in The Local Voice PDF!
Food & Drink Specials, Local Entertainment Calendar, Comix, Puzzles & Brain Teasers, Trivia, and more cool stuff to keep you entertained and well fed in the Oxford, Ole Miss, and North Mississippi area.