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The Local Voice #195
FULL-COLOR PDF for only 99¢
Local Food & Drink Specials
in Oxford’s Favorite Restaurants
for every day of the week!
Plus, Daily Entertainment and Live Music
Happening in Local Venues
from January 9 – 23, 2014.
The Secret History of Jim Ellis
article by Carl Massengale, ambrotypes by Chad Smith, music by Jim Ellis
Local record label Hill Country Records releases the debut album from the Delta musician who’s making waves in the Mississippi mud.
Country Blues
by James Tighe
Was it the 80s when country music started going downhill or was it the 70s?
Paying Our Dues to the Blues
by Jesse Yancy
Many people consider blues music Mississippi’s greatest contribution to global culture. In recognition of this the state created the Mississippi Blues Foundation in 2005.
The Mississippi Flag: A Primer
by Jesse Yancy
California Attorneys Seek to Ban Mississippi Flag
by Newt Rayburn
City Grocery Pop-Ups Return This Month to Benefit Rodney Scott
The Fatback Collective Presents “The Rodney in Exile BBQ Tour”: Oxford Stopover
The Scott’s BBQ pitmaster will be in Oxford alongside fellow Fatback Collective teammates John Currence and John T. Edge and Pitmaster Nick Reppond on January 27
Three New Year’s Resolutions for Ole Miss Fans
by Red Cup Rebellion
This time of year marks the customary time for us to examine where we’ve gone and where we want to be.
Ole Miss Theatre Presents Dex Edwards’ World Premiere of “Cake: A Story Piece”
January 24 – 26 in the Meek Hall Auditorium
Mississippi Novelist Deborah Johnson at Off Square Books
Monday, January 27
Local Q&A: “Name three things in your fridge.” by TLV Staff
Food & Drink Specials, Local Entertainment Calendar,
Comix, Puzzles & Brain Teasers, Trivia,
and more cool stuff to keep you entertained and well fed!
EXTRA! Bonus content available exclusively in the PDF:
(22 additional pages of content!):
“Salome’s Stars” – Horoscopes
Home Column: This Is a Hammer – “Tips for Slippery Sidewalks and Ice” by Samantha Mazzotta
“A Manufactured ADHD Epidemic” by Rich Lowry
“A Hard Duck Story” by Bob Franken
“Flash Back” – Pop, Rock & Soul Trivia by Mick Harper
“Moments In Time” – from The History Channel
Recipes: “Hearty Minestrone,” “Spicy Cornbread,”
“Beef Braciole with Grape Tomatoes,”
and “Sicilian-Style Swiss Chard”
Book Reviews: Vivien Leigh: An Intimate Portrait by Kendra Bean,
and The World Atlas of Wine by Jancis Robinson
Sports Quiz
Top Ten Lists
The Local Voice #195 newspaper is 24 pages, but the PDF is 46 pages!