Name: Shane prewit
Home town: Clinton, MS
Bars where you have worked: Only the best: Proud Larrys’
In your experience, what is the most common reason to have a drink? You’re in Oxford.
What’s your favorite ingredient or flavor combination? Campari. I’ve recently been making a pretty god Campari and Rum drink. Certain fans call it, “CAKE.”
What is your most essential bar tool? Timing.
Where’s your favorite spot to sip in Oxford / your hometown? City Grocery Balcony
What are your personal specialties? Cynicism; and having a B.A. in Psychology-Therapy
What do you wish people would order more often? Less often? Taxi Rides Home. Ulra–larrys’ is not a golf course!
Early alcohol experience: Drinking four and a half, not five, Budweisers my senior year of high school. I drove a golf cart around the yard and took stupid photos on my Motorola Razr.
Most famous customer you’ve ever served: Freddie Foster Jr.
Who would you most like to have a drink with; where and what would you imbibe? Steve Gadd, drinking a good Spanish red wine behind a drum kit and talking about funk licks.
What have you been listening to this year? Mr Twin Sister, Lion Babe, Todd Rundgren, and Young Thug.
Favorite movie of all time: Tie: Shawshank Redemption, All Kubrick, All Charlie Kaufman
Favorite sport & team: Skateboarding; Girl/Chocolate circa 2003 (Yeah Right!)
Who’s your favorite Rebel, and do you really ever go 18 MPH? Treadwell; only when slowing down.
Read any good books lately? The last book I finished was Percy’s The Moviegoer, but that was a while ago.
What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen in your bar lately? A girl ordered multiple neat, unchilled shots of Malibu on her 21 birthday. That’s like drinking straight suntan lotion.
Where would you be if you weren’t behind a bar? Based on my track record, playing drums on tour.