All right, Oxonians; THE TIME HAS COME!
On Tuesday, July 23 at 6 pm your Oxford Board of Aldermen will hear the public and discuss allowing the sale of refrigerated beer and light wine. That’s right, our fair city may actually join the 21st century and sell cold beer.
Local attorney Dee Hobbs will address the Board on behalf of Craddock Oil Company (the Circle K on highway 6) with a request that the City repeal its prohibition of cold beer. But we still need your help. We encourage all Oxonians call, write, email, tweet, FB message, or whatever their Alderman and demand that this archaic Blue Law be repealed.
Jay Hughes, Ward I
1300 Access Road, Suite 100
Oxford, Mississippi 38655
Cell: 662-816-2888
Robyn Tannehill , Ward II
1407 Greenway Cove
Oxford, Mississippi 38655
Home: H 662-236-6932
Cell: 662-816-6932
Janice Antonow, Ward III
3336 Whippoorwill Lane
Oxford, Mississippi 38655
Home: 662-234-8486
Fax: 662-234-0553
Ulysses “Coach” Howell, Ward IV
704 Martin Luther King Jr. Cir.
Oxford, Mississippi 38655
Home: 662-234-0938
Cell: 662-816-9393
Preston E. Taylor, Ward V
110 Thirkield Drive
Oxford, Mississippi 38655
Home: 662-234-5195
Jason Bailey, Ward VI
114 Phillip Rd.
Oxford, Mississippi 38655
Cell: 662-816-0038
Work: 662-513-9990
John Morgan, Alderman-at-Large
109 Orwood Drive
Oxford, Mississippi 38655
Work: 662-236-5370
Home: 662-234-0582
Cold beer please! Such a dumb law!
Oddly enough it’s the convenience store owners who oppose this the most. Their reasoning: it would take too much out of their pocket to install cold beer coolers.