E.J. Edney graduated from the University of Mississippi in 2011 with a bachelor of arts in biology with minors in chemistry and psychology, in 2013 with a Master of Arts in Higher Education/ Student Personnel, and in 2019 with his Doctor of Education in Higher Education. He currently serves as the Director of the Center for Inclusion and Cross-Cultural Engagement at the University of Mississippi where he works to enhance efforts to support diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Ruth Bailey O’Dell graduated from University of Florida with a degree in Elementary Education and has a Masters and PHD in Educational Psychology from Mississippi State University. In 2006 she retired as a school superintendent in Franklin County, Georgia. The League of Women Voters Oxford/North Mississippi is proud to cosponsor this book discussion.
The Crossroads Book Group is a Square Books-sponsored book discussion activity taking place monthly. Each session will feature a title selected by guest hosts. They will talk about it for 15 minutes, then open the floor for questions and discussion. Any Square Books Constant Reader may participate.
This activity is an outgrowth of the broad concerns that emerged as a result of, among other things, the murder of George Floyd, and books selected for discussion will be to relevant to these concerns.
The August meeting will be via Zoom on Tuesday, August 11 at 5:30 pm CST. You must RSVP to attend the event by emailing rsvp@squarebooks.com.
The hosts for August are E.J. Edney and Ruth Bailey O’Dell, who will be discussing How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi. This title will be 15% off with the coupon code CROSSROADS.

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