Jesus loves the little children,All the children of the world,White, and white, and white, and white,They are...
TLV Contributors
Freedom Place church gives 300 boxes of produce to the community on June 11, 2020.
Achilles was the son of Peleus, king of Phthia, and Thetis, a sea nymph. When Achilles was...
by Randy Weeks By the time you read this we’ll have had a few days to venture...
by Elizabeth McDaniel Tettleton On April 1, 2020, hundreds of Oxonians lined up outside Baptist Memorial Hospital...
I am blessed. I know it in my head; I know it in my heart. I don’t...
Wonderbird Spirits: Gin to Give “I thought people were just doing it as a PR stunt and...
I’m writing this on Easter Sunday, April 12. We’re still in the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic....
I drove around Oxford a bit last weekend. The weather was amazing and I have a convertible...
By the time this issue of The Local Voice hits the streets, no one may have a...
Millions will be unemployed this week across the country in the hospitality industry due to accelerating precautions...
Millions will be unemployed this week across the country in the hospitality industry due to accelerating precautions...
Oxford is home to many festivals each year, but there is one that brings people from not...
My good friend, Leon, a very inciteful man, doesn’t exactly cotton to holidays. When Leon was a...
We have met the enemy and he is us. –Pogo A certain preacher always prays long and...
Dear Governor Reeves: Congratulations on being elected as Mississippi’s next Governor. In full disclosure, I did not...
It was around 5 pm on Sunday, January 5, 2020, the twelfth day of Christmas. The sun...
The night of the Tacky Townie party at Proud Larry’s, the upstairs bar at City Grocery was...
On Monday, November 18 at 6:20 a.m., my phone rang. There was nothing all that unusual about...
The holidays are upon us and they are legion. We know about the biggies, but there are...