North Mississippi Symphony, UM music faculty and students combine efforts to produce concert series Among the many...
Community activism is the highlight of the series hosted by The University of Mississippi Southern Studies Center...
The University of Mississippi Department of Music continues to add technology to create opportunities for students, and...
Ashleen Williams recognized for showing exemplary promise as higher education leader Ashleen Williams, who also teaches in...
Location, schedule set for UM immunizations once vaccine arrives Although the exact date when doses will arrive...
Ole Miss biologist to discuss types, safety and side effects during January 19 event on Zoom The...
Experienced HR professional has led improvements to campus employee and wellness programs Andrea Jekabsons, a longtime human...
Ole Miss theatre and film alumni give students a glimpse into professional world of TV, stage work...
Salmon provides support to Magee Center after turning his life around Farley “Fel” Salmon III, son of...
Charlotte Armistead awarded State Department fellowship to prepare students for foreign service A senior in the Sally McDonnell...
Ole Miss senior Megan Steis recognized among nation’s top cadets for service to her unit, community Megan...
John Bentley to serve in role for American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education John Bentley, professor of pharmacy...
Organization recognizes academic technology and innovation David A. Puleo, dean of the School of Engineering and professor...
Greg Tschumper earns rank with American Association for the Advancement of Science Greg Tschumper, professor and chair...
Abby Novak presents research on systems and delinquency from a labeling perspective Faculty, staff, and students at...
Grants help recipients further their global education Eleven Croft Institute for International Studies students earned distinguished scholarships this fall...
Third-year UM law student aspires to solve complex problems with drone usage Nestor Delgado, a third-year student...
Ole Miss students enjoying larger offices, new classrooms in remodeled Johnson Commons East University of Mississippi students...
Visiting University of Mississippi professor brings new insights to public policy leadership classes For Zachary Vereb, visiting...
Alexandra, Amelia and Juliana Ladner are 1848, Merit and Herb Dewees Alumni scholars For Alexandra, Amelia and...