Meeting is at 5:00 pm in the City Hall Courtroom.
Notice that certain commission members will be included in the meeting via teleconference, subject to City of Oxford Code of Ordinances Section 2-82.
Agenda item attachments and meeting minutes are available for download here.
- Call to order.
- Adopt the agenda for the meeting.
- Mayor’s Report
- Authorize the approval of the minutes of the Recess Meeting on August 2, 2021, the Recess Meeting on August 3, 2021, the Regular Meeting on August 3, 2021, the Recess Meeting on August 4, 2021, the Special Meeting on August 9, 2021, and the Special Meeting on August 12, 2021. (Ashley Atkinson)
- Authorize the approval of accounts for all city departments. (Ashley Atkinson)
- Consider the consent agenda:
- Fixed Assets Management:
- Request permission to declare equipment surplus in the Environmental Services Department and authorize its disposal. (Amberlyn Liles)
- Request permission to transfer equipment from Environmental Services to mTrade Park. (Amberlyn Liles)
- Request permission to declare equipment surplus in the Oxford Fire Department. (Joey Gardner)
- Human Resources:
- Request permission to hire Part-Time Seasonal employees in the Environmental Services Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to hire four employees in the Oxford Fire Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to transfer an employee from the Buildings & Grounds Department to the Oxford Fire Department and advertise the vacancy. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to accept the resignation of an employee in the Oxford Police Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Miscelleanous:
- Request approval of water and/or sewer adjustments in accordance with the Oxford Utilities Leak Adjustment Policy. (Rob Neely)
- Request permission for Jhoanna Veliz, Manning Koury, Mia Collado, Elisha Webb, and Elliott Namba to serve as unpaid interns with the Oxford Police Department for the Fall semester. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission to accept a $100.00 donation from Robert M. Noah for the Animal Resource Center. (Nicole Young)
- Travel Requests:
- Request permission for an Oxford Utilities Employee to attend the TVA/LPC Meeting in Knoxville, TN on September 20, 2021 at an estimated cost of $157.00. (Rob Neely)
- Request permission for two employees to attend the MDOT Storm Water Management Certification training in Jackson, MS on August 25, 2021 at an estimated cost of $500.00. (Chris Carter)
- Fixed Assets Management:
- Consider a Resolution authorizing the City to enter into an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with the Lafayette County Board of Supervisors for financing costs in connection with the Oxford Farms TIF. (Sue Fairbank)
- Consider a Resolution authorizing the City to enter into a development and reimbursement agreement with Oxford Farms, LLC in connection with the Oxford Farms TIF. (Sue Fairbank)
- Oxford-University Transit Update. (Donna Zampella)
- Consider a petition from the residents of Brittany Woods Subdivision regarding ingress and egress to their subdivision.
- COVID-19 Update and CDC Recommendations. (Jimmy Allgood)
- Request permission to approve and authorize Jimmy Allgood to sign the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Agreement for the Cemetery Creek Project as the City of Oxford’s Grant applicant agent. This grant requires a 25% grant match from the City, in the amount of $142,899.72. (Jimmy Allgood)
- Public Hearing for FY 2021-2022 Municipal Budget. (Ashley Atkinson)
- Request permission to advertise for bids for Automated Garbage Collection Carts. (Amberlyn Liles)
- Request permission for 5 employees to attend the National Recreation and Park Association Annual Conference in Nashville, TN in September, 2021 at an estimated cost of $5,000.00. (Seth Gaines)
- Consider a work authorization for professional services associated with substation maintenance. (Rob Neely)
- Second reading, public hearing, and vote on a proposed Ordinance amending Section 14- 100(e)(6)-Camera Systems & Requirements. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission to accept a grant from the MS Office of Highway Safety for 405D Alcohol and Drug Impaired Driving funding (Training Coordination) for FY 21/22 in the amount of $581,449.45. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission to accept a grant from the MS Office of Highway Safety for 405D Alcohol and Drug Impaired Driving funding (Enforcement) for FY21/22 in the amount of $123,240.37. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission to accept a grant from the MS Office of Highway Safety for 402 Police Traffic Services funding for FY21/22 in the amount of $14,599.20. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Approve multiple event permits for Visit Oxford for events on September 10th & 17th, October 8th & 22nd, and November 5th, 12th, and 19th, 2021. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for the University Student Activities Association to host a homecoming parade on Friday, October 8th from 5:00pm-7:00pm. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for OPC to reserve parking spaces in front of City Hall/RSVP Plaza for movie night on August 27, 2021. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for Tunnel to Towers to host a 5k walk/run on September 4, 2021 from 6:30am-11:30am. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for Nicholas Air to host a 5k fun run on October 2, 2021 at 2:00pm. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Consider an request from Griffin Tanner for special event permits for Harrison Yard on 9/10-9/12 (UM vs Austin Peay), 9/16-9/18 (UM vs Tulane), 9/24-9/25 (Blues Festival), 10/7-10/9 (UM vs Arkansas), 10/21-10/23 (UM vs LSU), 11/4-11/6 (UM vs Liberty), 11/11-11/13 (UM vs Texas A & M), and 11/18-11/20 (UM vs Vanderbilt). (Jeff McCutchen)
- Consider a request for Sunday work by Southern General Contractors for the striping of various City streets. (Reanna Mayoral)
- Consider Change Order #2 from Phillips Construction for the East Jackson Streetscape Project. (Reanna Mayoral)
- Consider a request for a revocable license for a monument sign on City right-of-way on University Avenue at the University Avenue Shopping Center. (Reanna Mayoral)
- First reading of a proposed Ordinance amending Section 2-25 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Oxford-The Mayor and Board of Aldermen-Compensation.
- Consider a Resolution of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen declaring a portion of the improved right-of-way on East Jackson Avenue surplus and consider revocable licenses for the use of surplus property. (Bart Robinson)
- Consider an Addendum to the Video Service Agreement of 2009 between the City of Oxford and BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. (Bart Robinson)
- Consider an executive session.
- Adjourn.
Questions regarding this agenda? Call 662-236-1310, or contact Ashley Atkinson, City Clerk: aatkinson@oxfordms.net
Auxiliary aids and services may be available to individuals with disabilities upon twenty-four (24) hours request by contacting Braxton Tullos, City of Oxford ADA Coordinator at 662-232-2453.