Meeting is at 5:00 pm in the City Hall Courtroom.
Notice that certain commission members will be included in the meeting via teleconference, subject to City of Oxford Code of Ordinances Section 2-82.
Agenda item attachments and meeting minutes are available for download here.
- Call to order.
- Adopt the agenda for the meeting.
- Mayor’s Report
- Authorize the approval of the minutes of the Recess Meeting on November 23, 2020 and the Regular Meeting on December 1, 2020. (Ashley Atkinson)
- Authorize the approval of accounts for all city departments. (Ashley Atkinson)
- Consider the consent agenda:
- Request approval of water and/or sewer adjustments in accordance with the Oxford Utilities Leak Adjustment Policy. (Rob Neely)
- Receipt of the Early Childhood and Reading Development Quarterly Report. (Tamara Hillmer)
- Request permission to hire a Part-Time Reserve Officer in the Oxford Police Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to accept the resignation of a Full-Time Patrol Officer in the Oxford Police Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to hire a Full-Time Records Clerk in the Oxford Police Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to approve a promotion for an employee in the Oxford Utilities-Electric Division.
- Request permission to approve a promotion for an employee in the Environmental Services Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to hire an employee in the Environmental Services Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to accept the retirement of an employee in the mTrade Park Department and advertise for a replacement. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to accept the retirement of an employee in the Development Services- Building Department and advertise for a replacement. (Braxton Tullos)
- Presentation of the Virginia H. Chrestman Employee of the Year Award.
- Quarterly update from MS Critterz. (Jenn Petermann)
- Discuss COVID-19 “Current Restrictions and Guidelines” and the current executive orders.
- Authorize an appointment to the Municipal Election Commission.
- Request permission to apply for the 2021-2022 5311 Grant for Oxford-University Transit. (Donna Zampella)
- Request permission to advertise the Intent to Apply for the 2021-2022 5311 Grant for Oxford- University Transit per FTA guidelines. (Donna Zampella)
- Request permission to approve the FY 2021-2022 budget for Oxford-University Transit, as approved by MDOT. (Donna Zampella)
- Request permission to adopt the 2020 Health Insurance and Cafeteria Rate Plans for City employees. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to declare equipment surplus in the Environmental Services Department and authorize its disposal. (Amberlyn Liles)
- Request permission to declare equipment surplus in the Oxford Park Commission and authorize its disposal. (Seth Gaines)
- Review and consider acceptance of a bid for a flat-bed truck chassis in the Oxford Utilities-Water & Sewer Department. (Rob Neely)
- Consider an request from Oxford First United Methodist Church to waive the fees for a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. (Chris Carter)
- Second reading and Public Hearing on a proposed Ordinance amending Chapter 22, Article I, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Oxford, to add an administrative fee for Stop Work Orders. (Chris Carter)
- Consider the recommendation from the Downtown Parking Advisory Commission for Phase II of the Downtown Parking Signage Project and revise the Parking Enforcement budget to cover the project cost. (Matt Davis)
- Consider a resolution of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen requesting the Alcohol Beverage Control Commission extend the hours for alcohol service for Super Bowl LV on Sunday, February 7, 2021. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for the Oxford Police Department to apply for and accept the Walmart Community Grant in the amount of $2,000.00. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for the Mayor and Chief of Police to sign the 2020-2021 Interlocal Agreement for the Lafayette County Metro Narcotics Unit.
- Consider Change Order #5 from A. S. Fornea Construction for the North Lamar Pocket Park Project. (Mark Levy)
- Consider a proposal from Precision Engineering for the design of a retaining wall at the North Lamar Pocket Park. (Mark Levy)
- Consider Change Order #5 for Malouf Construction for additional contract time and zero cost for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Flow Equalization Project. (Reanna Mayoral)
- Consider a request for traffic calming on a portion of Suncrest Drive in Brittany Woods. (Reanna Mayoral)
- Consider renaming certain streets that were annexed into the City limits. (Reanna Mayoral)
- Consider acceptance of maintenance for the Sisk Avenue Extended Project (F. D. “Buddy” East Parkway). (Reanna Mayoral)
- Consider a Revised Development Agreement for Oakmont. (Bart Robinson)
- Discuss the TIF Proposal for The Lamar. (Bart Robinson)
- Consider an MOU between the City of Oxford and the Offices of Congressman Trent Kelly. (Bart Robinson)
- Consider the disposal of property jointly owned by the City of Oxford and Lafayette County at the intersection of Elliott Drive and South Lamar. (Bart Robinson)
- Consider an executive session.
- Adjourn.
Questions regarding this agenda? Call 662-236-1310, or contact Ashley Atkinson, City Clerk:
Auxiliary aids and services may be available to individuals with disabilities upon twenty-four (24) hours request by contacting Braxton Tullos, City of Oxford ADA Coordinator at 662-232-2453.