Regular Meeting is at 5:00 pm in the City Hall Courtroom.
Notice that certain commission members will be included in the meeting via teleconference, subject to City of Oxford Code of Ordinances Section 2-82.
Agenda item attachments and meeting minutes are available for download here.
- Call to order.
- Adopt the agenda for the meeting.
- Mayor’s Report
- Authorize the approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting on January 17, 2023 and the Recess Meeting on January 23, 2023. (Ashley Atkinson)
- Authorize the approval of accounts for all city departments. (Ashley Atkinson)
- Consider the consent agenda:
- Fixed Assets Management:
- Request permission to declare one truck surplus in the Oxford Fire Department and to authorize the sale of the truck on GovDeals.com. (Joey Gardner)
- Request permission to declare equipment surplus in the Environmental Services Department. (Amberlyn Liles)
- Request permission to declare equipment surplus in the City Shop Department and authorize its disposal. (Lynwood Jones)
- Request permission to declare equipment surplus in the Oxford Police Depart and authorize its disposal. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Human Resources:
- Request permission to accept the retirement of an employee in the Oxford Police Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to promote two employees in the Oxford Police Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to hire an employee in the Oxford Police Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to adjust the salary of two employees in the Oxford Police Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to hire a Seasonal Worker in the Environmental Services Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to accept the resignation of Part-Time Facility workers at the Oxford Conference Center. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to approve a step increase for an employee in the City Shop for the completion of the probationary period. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to accept the resignation of an employee in the City Shop. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to hire Part-Time employees in the mTrade Park Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to approve unpaid volunteers for the Oxford Animal Resource Center. (Kelli Briscoe)
- Miscelleanous:
- Request approval of water and/or sewer adjustments in accordance with the Oxford Utilities Leak Adjustment Policy. (Rob Neely)
- Request permission to accept donations for the benefit of the Oxford Animal Resource Center. (Kelli Briscoe)
- Travel Requests:
- Request permission for two Deputy City Clerks to attend the MMCCA (MS Municipal Clerks & Collectors Association) Spring Conference on April 26-28, 2023, in Cleveland, MS, at an estimated cost of $1,400.00. (Ashley Atkinson)
- Request permission for an employee to attend CORE Program training on March 2-3, 2023 in Oxford at no cost to the City. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for an employee to attend a Warrior Leadership Class on March 7-8, 2023 in Oxford at a cost of $200.00 (registration only). (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for an employee to attend the Child Safety Seat Registration training on February 2, 2023 at a cost of $55.00 (registration only). (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for two employees to attend Guardians in the Data training on February 10, 2023 in Oxford at no cost to the City. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for an employee to attend TOSS Advanced Tactics for Firearms Instructors on April 4-6, 2023 in Oxford at a cost of $375.00 (registration only). (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for three employees to attend The Complete Female Cop training on July 27, 2023 in Brandon, MS at an estimated cost of $675.00. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for two employees to attend The Street Cop-Auto Theft training webinar on February 16, 2023 in Oxford at no cost to the City. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for an employee to attend Traffic Stop Investigation on March 14, 2023 in Oxford at no cost to the City. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for an employee to attend ARIDE training on May 16-17, 2023 in Oxford at no cost to the City. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for an employee to attend NTOA Managing Critical Events in Baxter, TN on February 26-27, 2023 at an estimated cost of $396.00. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for four employees to attend CPR Recertification training on February 14, 2023 in Oxford at an estimated cost of $32.00. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for an employee to attend DRE Training on February 26, 2023-March 9, 2023 in Ridgeland, MS with all costs being covered by the DUI Training Grant. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for an employee to attend DRE Training on March 19-24, 2023 in Oklahoma City, OK with all costs being covered by the DUI Training Grant. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for an employee to attend DRE Training on March 28-29, 2023 in Oxford with all costs being covered by the DUI Training Grant. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission to approve the 2023 Training Calendar for the Oxford Fire Department. (Joey Gardner)
- Request permission for an employee to attend TVA meetings in 2023 at an estimated cost of $960.00. (Rob Neely)
- Fixed Assets Management:
- Announce vacancy on Municipal Reserve & Trust Committee.
- Request permission to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the FTA 2023 Certifications and Assurances for the 5310 and 5311 Grant submission. (Donna Zampella)
- Request permission to allow retired officer, David Rosenbaum, to purchase his service weapon for $1.00, as allowed by State statute. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Consider a request from Grand Oaks/The Country Club of Oxford to shoot fireworks on Saturday, July 1, 2023 (alternate weather date of Friday, July 2 or Sunday, July 3, 2023). (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission to approve a restaurant consumption permit (Brown Bag) for Tyler Young. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission to approve a Parade/Assembly Permit for the Oxford-Lafayette County Chamber of Commerce to host a 5K, 10K, and Kids Fun Run Event on April 29, 2023 from 4:00am-12:00pm. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission to approve a Parade/Assembly Permit for the UM College Democrats to host a political assembly on Saturday, February 11, 2023 at 2:00pm in front of City Hall. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Second reading, public hearing, and potential vote on a proposed Ordinance amending Chapter 74, Section 39-Definitions and to add Section 74-40(b) to allow an additional $1.00 on moving violations and parking fines. (Shane Fortner)
- Request permission to renew the contract for digital marketing for the Oxford Conference Center. (Micah Quinn)
- Request permission to accept the reverse auction bids received and award the contract for equipment in the Environmental Services Department. (Amberlyn Liles)
- Request permission for two employees to attend the American Planning Association National Planning Conference on March 30-April 4, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA at an estimated cost of $3,000.00. (Ben Requet)
- Request permission to assist the MS Department of Archives and History on a grant. (Ben Requet)
- Request approval of a Final Plat (amended) for Case #2928, Oxford Commons Lots, LLC (David Blackburn), for “Oxford Commons Phase 1, Lot 4, for property located at the northeast intersection of Commonwealth Boulevard and Sisk Avenue, being further identified as PPIN #26631. (Ben Requet)
- Request permission to install a termite control system at the Skipwith cottage. (Kate Kenwright)
- Request permission to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign an engagement letter for Butler Snow LLP for the completion of the Continuing Disclosure Documents for FY ended September 30, 2022. (Ashley Atkinson)
- Consider a proposal from Demolition Specialists, LLC for a Hazardous Materials Survey for the Oxford Enterprise Center. (Mark Levy)
- Request permission to release the bond for the final lift of asphalt in The Grove at Grand Oaks, Phase V. (John Crawley)
- Request permission to advertise for bids for the Goose Creek Pipe Lining Project. (John Crawley)
- Request permission to approve a contract with HDR for professional services. (John Crawley)
- Request permission to accept the maintenance of infrastructure within the Leslie Court residential subdivision and release the bonds pending receipt of required items. (John Crawley)
- Consider a request for extended work hours, sidewalk closure, and temporary pedestrian routes for exterior work at My Favorite Shoes. (John Crawley)
- Consider a request to close Chickasaw for the construction of a roundabout at Molly Barr as part of The Lamar development. (John Crawley)
- Consider an executive session.
- Adjourn.
Questions regarding this agenda? Call 662-236-1310, or contact Ashley Atkinson, City Clerk: aatkinson@oxfordms.net
Auxiliary aids and services may be available to individuals with disabilities upon twenty-four (24) hours request by contacting Braxton Tullos, City of Oxford ADA Coordinator at 662-232-2453.