Meeting is at 5:00 pm.
Notice that certain commission members will be included in the meeting via teleconference, subject to City of Oxford Code of Ordinances Section 2-82.
Agenda item attachments and meeting minutes are available for download here.
- Call to order.
- Adopt the agenda for the meeting.
- Mayor’s Report
- Authorize the approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting on June 18, 2019.
- Authorize the approval of accounts for all city departments.
- Consider the consent agenda:
- Request permission to send two drivers, in the Oxford-University Transit Department, for CDL testing. (Donna Zampella)
- Request approval of Toriano A. Baker as a driver for Flying Tuk. (Matt Davis)
- Request permission for an employee to attend the MS Association of Coaches Conference (MAC) in Jackson, MS on July 16-19, 2019 at an estimated cost of $700.00. (Seth Gaines)
- Request permission for two narcotics agents to attend the Financial Investigations of Criminal Organizations Training in Biloxi, MS on July 9-10, 2019 at an estimated cost of $800.00 plus per diem. (Rod Waller)
- Request approval for one engineer to attend the 2019 Operation and Maintenance of Stormwater Control Measures in Minneapolis, MN on August 4-7, 2019 at an estimated cost of $1,888.04. (Reanna Mayoral)
- Request permission for the OUT General Manager and one other employee to attend Software Implementation Training in Jackson, MS, on July 8- 12, 2019, at an estimated cost of $2,050.00. (Donna Zampella)
- Request permission to hire Part-time Facility Workers for the Oxford Conference Center. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to hire a Full-time Patrol Officer in the Oxford Police Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to advertise for a Part-time Communications Officer in the Oxford Police Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to promote an employee in the Oxford Police Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to hire two Firefighters in the Oxford Fire Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to transfer an employee from the Oxford Police Department to the Street Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Announce vacancy on the Planning Commission.
- Approve nominations for the Oxford-Lafayette County Library Board.
- Update from Family Crisis Services on the 4th of July activities. (Meredith Rawl)
- Request permission to advertise for bids for the FNC Park Ditch Rehab Project. (Brad Freeman)
- Request permission to advertise for bids for the FNC Park Soccer Field #1 Rehab Project. (Brad Freeman)
- Request permission to declare a bus surplus in the Oxford-University Transit Department and authorize its sale on govdeals.com. (Donna Zampella)
- Approve the Annual Report of the City of Oxford Reserve & Trust Fund for the year ended March 31, 2019, as recommended by the Reserve & Trust Committee. (Ashley Atkinson)
- Public Hearing on and consideration of a redistricting map establishing voting wards for the City of Oxford. (Bart Robinson)
- Public hearing and consideration of an Ordinance amending Section 2-79 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Oxford, Establishing Voting Wards. (Bart Robinson)
- Request permission for up to five employees to attend the NRPA Conference on September 24-27, 2019 in Baltimore, MD at an estimated cost of $4,880.00. (Seth Gaines)
- Request permission for up to five employees to attend NAYS on November 12-16, 2019 in Orlando, FL at an estimated cost of $3,814.00. (Seth Gaines)
- Discuss quotes and consider a budget amendment to replace the 2nd floor air handler unit in City Hall. (Greg Pinion)
- Consider a request from Grace Bible Church to use uniformed officers for traffic details. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission to allow Oxford Utilities’ electric contractor, DeSoto County Electric, to work on Sunday, July 7th, July 14th, and July 21st, if necessary. (Rob Neely)
- Authorize Oxford Utilities to conduct an Electric System Planning Study. (Rob Neely)
- Request approval of a Preliminary Plat for Case #2501, Seminole Bluff Subdivision. (Ben Requet)
- Request approval of a Final Plat for Case #2502, Seminole Bluff Subdivision, Phases 1 & 2. (Ben Requet)
- Consider Change Order #1 for Argo Construction to adjust final quantities for the Water Distribution Improvements from Bramlett Water Plant to Rivers Hill Tank. (Reanna Mayoral)
- Consider Change Order #2 for Cleveland Construction for the Bramlett Water Plant Project. (Reanna Mayoral)
- Consider a request for a revocable license for a right-of-way encroachment for 1000 Jefferson. (Reanna Mayoral)
- Consider a joint resolution adopting the LOU Transportation Plan. (Bart Robinson)
- Consider declaring a vehicle surplus and returning it to the family who donated it, as per the donation agreement on file. (Bart Robinson)
- Consider Change Order #2 for Tri-Star Mechanical for the Downtown Parking Garage. (Bart Robinson)
- Consider Change Order #5 for Whitfield Electric Company for the Downtown Parking Garage. (Bart Robinson)
- Discuss the provisions of the Water Purchase Agreement with Punkin Water Association. (Bart Robinson)
- Consider accepting the donation of a phone booth. (Bart Robinson)
- Consider an executive session.
- Recess to meet on Monday, July 15, 2019 at 9:30am in the Old RSVP Building next to City Hall.
Questions regarding this agenda? Call 662-236-1310, or contact Ashley Atkinson, City Clerk:aatkinson@oxfordms.net
Auxiliary aids and services may be available to individuals with disabilities upon twenty-four (24) hours request by contacting Braxton Tullos, City of Oxford ADA Coordinator at 662-232-2453.