Meeting is Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at 5:00 pm in the City Hall Courtroom.
Notice that certain commission members will be included in the meeting via teleconference, subject to City of Oxford Code of Ordinances Section 2-82.
Agenda item attachments and meeting minutes are available for download here.
- Call to order.
- Adopt the agenda for the meeting.
- Mayor’s Report
- Authorize the approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting on October 18, 2022. (Ashley Atkinson)
- Request permission to approve the corrected minutes for the September 20, 2022 Regular Meeting. (Ashley Atkinson)
- Authorize the approval of accounts for all city departments. (Ashley Atkinson)
- Consider the consent agenda:
- Fixed Assets Management:
- Request permission to transfer equipment from the Oxford Conference Center Department to the Oxford Park Commission. (Micah Quinn)
- Request permission to declare equipment surplus in the Oxford Fire Department and authorize its disposal. (Joey Gardner)
- Request permission to declare equipment surplus in the Oxford Police Department and authorize its disposal. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission to declare equipment surplus in the Municipal Court Department and authorize its disposal. (Nickie Denley)
- Request permission to declare equipment surplus in the Oxford Utilities-Water Department and authorize its disposal. (Rob Neely)
- Human Resources:
- Request permission to hire a Part-Time employee in the Animal Resource Center. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to accept the resignation of an employee in the Animal Resource Center. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to promote two Part-Time employees to Full-Time in the Animal Resource Center. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to hire two Full-Time employees in the Oxford Police Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to hire an employee in the Municipal Court Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to accept two unpaid Public Information/Media interns in the Oxford Police Department for the Spring 2023 semester. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission to approve unpaid volunteers for the Oxford Animal Resource Center. (Kelli Briscoe)
- Miscelleanous:
- Request approval of water and/or sewer adjustments in accordance with the Oxford Utilities Leak Adjustment Policy. (Rob Neely)
- Accept the Early Childhood and Reading Development Fall 2022 Board Report. (Cara Buffington)
- Request permission to accept donations for the benefit of the Oxford Animal Resource Center. (Kelli Briscoe)
- Travel Requests:
- Request permission to send three Fire Inspectors to the Building Official’s Association Winter Conference in Natchez, MS on November 29-December 2, 2022 at an estimated cost of $2,600.00. (Joey Gardner)
- Request permission for two employees to attend ERASE training on December 5-7, 2022 in Oxford at no cost to the City. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for an employee to attend the AXON Taser Energy Weapon Instructor Course on November 15, 2022 in Columbus, MS at an estimated cost of $375.00. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for an employee to attend the Lott and Army ROTC Leadership Seminar on November 3, 2022 in Oxford at no cost to the City. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for an employee to attend the SFST training on November 1-3, 2022 in Hernando, MS at no cost to the City. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for two employees to attend AAIR training on January 30-31, 2023 in Oxford at no cost to the City. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission for the Emergency Management Director to attend the Sports and Special Events Risk Management training, on March 28-29, 2023, taught by the Texas A & M Engineering Extension Service in Oxford at no cost to the City. (Shane Fortner)
- Request permission for the GIS Technician to attend the Memphis Area Geographic Information Council (MAGIC) Geospatial Conference in Memphis, TN on November 17-18, 2022 at no cost to the City. (Hollis Green)
- Fixed Assets Management:
- Adopt a Retirement Resolution for Oxford Police Department employee, Jeffery Edge.
- Request permission for retired officer, Jeffery Edge, to purchase his service weapon for $1.00, as allowed per State statute. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission to approve the FY 2023 Interlocal Agreement for the Lafayette County Metro Narcotics Unit and authorize the City Clerk to file the agreement with the State after IHL approval has been received. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission to approve a Parade/Assembly Permit for Visit Oxford to host the Chamber of Oxford-Shop Oxford event on November 13, 2022 from 10:00am-3:00pm on the Square. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission to approve a Parade/Assembly permit for the Community Church to host a singing event (Christmas Carols) on Saturday, December 24, 2022 from 3:00pm-8:00pm in front of City Hall. (Jeff McCutchen)
- Request permission to apply for the Emergency Medical Services Operating Fund Grant in the amount of $16,911.00 with no required match. (Shane Fortner)
- Request permission to apply for the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Community Program Grant with a 25% match. (Shane Fortner)
- Discuss cellular connectivity for the Alabama vs Ole Miss game. (Shane Fortner)
- Pursuant to Presidential determination No. 2022-19, consider declaring transformers and electrical grid equipment purchases as emergency purchases under MS Code Section 31-7-13 (k). (Rob Neely)
- Approve an appointment to the Municipal Reserve & Trust Committee.
- Second Reading and Public Hearing for a proposed Ordinance to amend the Zoning Map, for Case #2900, to rezone approximately +/- .158 acres from Institutional-Government to Suburban Corridor and approximately +/- .439 acres that is not zoned to Institutional-Government for property located at Professional Drive, being further identified as PPINs #31943 & #26930. (Ben Requet)
- Consider Change Order #1 from AS Fornea Construction for the City Hall Pocket Park. (Mark Levy)
- Consider extending outdoor seating revocable licenses for downtown area. (Mark Levy)
- Request permission to advertise for bids for the purchase of additional materials for the Punkin Water Connection projects. (Reanna Mayoral)
- Consider a request to close Commonwealth Boulevard approximately between Sisk Avenue and Ed Perry Boulevard on November 22st-26th for the installation of a storm drain for The Commons at Oxford Commons. (Reanna Mayoral)
- Consider a request for a construction grading easement for the City of Oxford property located on Ed Perry Boulevard. (Reanna Mayoral)
- Consider Change Order #1 for the Cemetery Ditch Project in the amount of $20,967.50 for final quantities. (Reanna Mayoral)
- Consider bids received for the Rivers Hill (Kroger) Booster Station Project. (Reanna Mayoral)
- Consider an executive session.
- Adjourn.
Questions regarding this agenda? Call 662-236-1310, or contact Ashley Atkinson, City Clerk: aatkinson@oxfordms.net
Auxiliary aids and services may be available to individuals with disabilities upon twenty-four (24) hours request by contacting Braxton Tullos, City of Oxford ADA Coordinator at 662-232-2453.