Special Meeting is at 8:00 am in the Conference Room – Oxford Utilities Building.
Notice that certain commission members will be included in the meeting via teleconference, subject to City of Oxford Code of Ordinances Section 2-82.
Pursuant to Section 21-3-21, Mississippi Code of 1972 Annotated, I, Robyn Tannehill, Mayor of the City of Oxford, Mississippi, do hereby call the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of Oxford, MS, to a SPECIAL MEETING to be held on May 7, 2024 at 8:00 am, for the transaction of important business. The meeting will be held in the Conference Room of the Oxford Utilities Department Building. The business to be acted upon at the Special Meeting is the consideration of the following:
Agenda item attachments and meeting minutes are available for download here.
- Call to order.
- Adopt the agenda for the meeting.
- Presentation of the proposed FY2025-2026 budget for the Oxford Utilities-Electric Division. (Rob Neely)
- Consider an executive session.
- Adjourn.
Questions regarding this agenda? Call 662-236-1310, or contact Ashley Atkinson, City Clerk: aatkinson@oxfordms.net
Auxiliary aids and services may be available to individuals with disabilities upon twenty-four (24) hours request by contacting Braxton Tullos, City of Oxford ADA Coordinator at 662-232-2453.