Home town: Yampertown, Alabama. Not called that anymore. Now it’s called Twin.
Bars where you have worked: Burgundy Room, Downstairs Bar, Oxford University Club, and the Jubilee.
In your experience, what is the most common reason to have a drink? You’re thirsty.
What’s your favorite ingredient or flavor combination? Shrubs.
What is your most essential bar tool? Bottle opener.
Where’s your favorite spot to sip in Oxford / your hometown? A creek bed.
What are your personal specialties? Hay Seeds and Flinstones’ Pushpops.
What do you wish people would order more often? Less often? Beer, Dirty Martinis.
Early alcohol experience: Dad let me sip his beer one time. I thought it was disgusting. I was wrong.
Most famous customer you’ve ever served: Eli Manning. Although Bubby Brister did tip me a bill and let me try on his Super Bowl ring. Eli was just picking up some take out for his family, but still tipped very well.
Who would you most like to have a drink with; where and what would you imbibe? Eddie Van Halen, some creek bed somewhere and I would drink strawberry lambic.
What have you been listening to this year? The crickets, mostly.
Favorite movie of all time: Ghostbusters.
Favorite sport & team: Golf. Well, it’s not Auburn, Florida, or Tennessee.
Who’s your favorite Rebel, and do you really ever go 18 MPH? Archie Manning is, and always will be, my favorite Rebel next to Henry David Thoreau and Thomas Paine. I really have no reason to travel that particular stretch of road anymore, but no.
Read any good books lately? Yes.
What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen in your bar lately? Coked out kid gettin’ a beer:
Me: Can I help you?
Kid: Uuuh, sh*t!
Me: Sorry, we don’t serve that.
Where would you be if you weren’t behind a bar? Fishing, probably.
This article was printed in The Local Voice #230 (published May 28, 2015).
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