Mayor Robin Tannehill and her assistant Cindy Semmes are working to develop a leadership program aimed at fifth grade girls.
The program will be treated as a school club with meetings held during school hours. Tannehill wanted to ensure that participants would not have to schedule around an after school activity. The program will have room for 10–15 students and applications will be accepted after the Christmas holiday break.
“My goal in this is to do something different from what you’ve seen youth leadership programs be in the past,” Tannehill said. “Most of them are about identifying kids with strong leadership qualities and trying to grow those or identifying the kids most at risk, but I want this to fall somewhere in the middle. I want to create unlikely relationships through team building.”
Tannehill is interested in giving the confidence to these young people that her parents gave her.
“My parents always told me I could do anything in the world I wanted to do,” she said. “I was crazy enough to believe them. However, a lot of people haven’t been given that same message. I think it’s important for to give that message to young people across the board.”