Ole Miss Recently announced that they would be increasing the cost of parking permits for commuters and Park-n-Ride, but reducing the cost of a garage permit. Garage permits will now run you $400, Commuter passes will set you back $200, and the cheapest permit will be park-n-ride at $100.
The state of parking at Ole Miss has long been a source of complaint for student and faculty alike. Unlike the uniform parking change that the university quickly backtracked on, it is unlikely there will be a reversal on this policy.
In addition to the cost adjustments, the University will be increasing the routes that the O.U.T. Bus runs along as well as increasing the amount of on campus busses with two running clockwise through the campus and two running counter clockwise.
Mike Harris, director of the Department of Transportation and Parking at Ole Miss, has said that as enrollment increases, the demand for parking rises with it. The increase in price is to help fund the needed infrastructure to supply parking to as many students as possible.
“We noticed last year that we had two issues with the garage,” said Harris. “One was it was very frustrating when trying to enter or exit during peak times. The other was that it was never fully utilized.”
In reducing the cost of garage permits, the department hopes to fill out the garage more this year.