Meeting is at 5:00 pm
Notice that certain commission members will be included in the meeting via teleconference, subject to City of Oxford Code of Ordinances Section 2-82.
- Call to order.
- Adopt the agenda for the meeting.
- Mayor’s Report
- Authorize the approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on January 2, 2018.
- Authorize the approval of accounts for all city departments.
- Consider the consent agenda:
- Request permission for the General Manager and one employee to attend Procurement Training in Fort Worth, TX, on February 21-24, 2018, at an estimated cost of $1,500.00. (Ron Biggs)
- Request permission for a deputy clerk to attend the MS Municipal Clerks & Collectors Association meeting in Flowood, MS, on March 8-9, 2018, at an estimated cost of $700.00. (Ashley Atkinson)
- Request permission for a deputy clerk to attend the Spring 2018 CMC Program in Pearl, MS, on February 26– 28, 2018, at an estimated cost of $700.00. (Ashley Atkinson)
- Request permission for a deputy clerk to attend the Spring 2018 CMC Program in Oxford, MS, on March 12- 14, 2018, at an estimated cost of $200.00. (Ashley Atkinson)
- Request permission for the Director of Parking to attend the Mid-South Traffic & Parking Association (MSTPA) yearly conference in Huntsville, AL on March 5-7, 2018 at an estimated cost of $850.00. (Joey East)
- Request permission for four Environmental Services employees to attend the SWANNMRC Joint Conference on May 15-17, 2018 in Bay St. Louis, MS at an estimated cost of $2,240.00. (Amberlyn Liles)
- Request permission for a Public Works employee to attend the MDEQ Math Workshop in Pearl, MS on January 15-17, 2018 at an estimated cost of $588.75. (Bart Robinson)
- Request approval of Donald L. Deans as a taxi driver for County Taxi. (Joey East)
- Request permission for two employees to attend the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) Training on January 16-17, 2018 in Vicksburg, MS at an estimated cost of $577.00. (Joey East)
- Request permission for three officers to attend Street Crimes Seminar on January 29-31, 2018 in Tunica, MS at an estimated cost of $1,829.96. (Joey East)
- Request permission for one officer to attend Standardized Field Sobriety Test Instructor Training on February 5-9, 2018 in Vicksburg, MS at an estimated cost of $205.00. (Joey East)
- Request permission for an Apprentice Lineman to attend TVPPA Apprentice Lineman Training in Jackson, TN on April 23-27, 2018 at an estimated cost of $1,436.62. (Rob Neely)
- Request permission for two Apprentice Linemen to attend TVPPA Apprentice Lineman Training in Jackson, TN on June 25-29, 2018 with an estimated cost of $2,446.37. (Rob Neely)
- Request approval of the retirement of an employee in the Oxford Fire Department and to advertise internally for his repacement. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to accept the resignations of two employees in the Oxford Fire Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to hire three firefighters in the Oxford Fire Department. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to transfer an employee from the Buildings & Grounds department to Public Works department and advertise for a replacement. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to promote an employee in the Environmental Services Department from part-time to full-time. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission to advertise for seasonal concessions and grounds workers for FNC Park. (Braxton Tullos)
- Request permission for four members of the Oxford Fire Department to travel to Camp Shelby, MS on February 12-16, 2018 to participate in a MS Office of Homeland Security Task Force exercise at an estimated cost of $200.00. (Mark Heath)
- Request permission for the Mayor to attend the MS Office of Tourism’s 2018 Legislative Day on January 24, 2018 in Jackson, MS at an estimated cost of $300.00.
- Presentation of proposed annexation maps. (Mike Slaughter)
- Authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with NMRC/Communicare for client services at the Environmental Services/Recycling Departments. (Edith Hayles/Amberlyn Liles/Pope Mallette)
- Adopt a resolution awarding the sale and issuance of General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018A, in the amount of $2,700,000.00 for the construction of municipal buildings. (Sue Fairbank)
- Report from OLHS. (Angie Avery)
- Announce a vacancy on the Oxford Park Commission Board.
- Announce an upcoming vacancy on the Oxford School Board.
- Request approval of the 2018 Oxford Conference Center travel schedule. (Hollis Green)
- Adopt a resolution in support of local and private legislation to allow golf carts on certain public streets and for related purposes.
- First reading of a proposed Ordinance allowing golf carts on certain public streets.
- Discuss changes to insurance requirements for taxi companies. (Matt Davis)
- Request permission for five officers to attend the Annual Mounted Mardi Gras Mounted School on February 6–14, 2018 in Mobile, AL at an estimated cost of $3,220.00. (Joey East)
- Request permission to transfer a Ford Crown Victoria from the Oxford Police Department to the Environmental Services Department. (Joey East)
- Request permission to apply for MS Office of Highway Safety grant for Police Traffic Services for FY 2019 in the amount of $15,947.00. (Joey East)
- Request permission to apply for the MS Office of Highway Safety grant for Impaired Driving for FY 2019 in the amount of $114,688.35. (Joey East)
- Request permission to apply for MS Office of Highway Safety grant for Impaired Driving Enforcement Training for FY 2019 in the amount of $483,509.03. (Joey East)
- Request permission to allow Oxford Electric’s contractor, DeSoto County Electric, to work on Sunday, January 21, 2018. (Rob Neely)
- Authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with GovEase for online tax sale services. (Ashley Atkinson)
- Authorize the Mayor to sign a professional service agreement with Michael Rogers for continued maintenance of the City’s hydraulic model. (Bart Robinson)
- Accept bid for compact excavator for the Street Department. (Bart Robinson)
- Accept bid for compact excavator for the Water Department. (Bart Robinson)
- Request approval of the Activity Center lnterlocal Agreement. (Pope Mallette)
- Consider a request from BMH-NMS to terminate two electrical easements. (Pope Mallette)
- Adopt a resolution to amend the local and private legislation for the Oxford Reserve & Trust Fund. (Pope Mallette)
- Consider a location release for filming on City property. (Pope Mallette)
- Consider an executive session.
- Recess to meet on January 22, 2018 at 12:30pm.
Questions regarding this agenda? Call 662-236-1310, or contact Ashley Atkinson, City Clerk: aatkinson@oxfordms.net
Auxiliary aids and services may be available to individuals with disabilities upon twenty-four (24) hours request by contacting Braxton Tullos, City of Oxford ADA Coordinator at 662-232-2453.