August 31, 2016
Jamaltae Adams 20 of Tupelo. Brannon Mcallister 19 of Tupelo. Laterance Lindsey 19 of Tupelo – Armed Robbery
On 29 August 2016, officers with the Oxford Police Department responded to an armed robbery at Molly Barr Trails. The three suspects met up with the victims over a possible narcotics purchase. At which time the 3 suspects robbed the victims at gun point. The suspect vehicle along with a description of the males was provided to officers and shortly after the initial call the suspect vehicle was spotted and three suspects were taking into custody. The firearm used during the robbery, items belonging to the victims(cellphones, watch and narcotics), and bandannas worn by the suspects were present inside the vehicle. All 3 have been charged with armed robbery and given a bond of $25,000.
August 30, 2016
5 Suspicious Activities
Simple Assault
3 Ambulance Assists
4 Alarms
Malicious Mischief
2 911 Hang ups
Motorist Assist
Complaint of Lost Property
Civil Matter
2 Disturbances
Welfare Concern
22 Traffic Citations
13 Wrecks
One Headlight, Suspended Driver’s License & DUI
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
2 Shoplifting
Daniel Ford – Strong Armed Robbery
On Monday, August 29, 2016 investigators of the Oxford Police Department charged Daniel Charles Ford (20) of Oxford, MS with one count of Strong Armed Robbery.
On Sunday, August 28, 2016 Ford robbed a man at Oxford Wheel Estates. The victim was working at his house in the complex when Ford approached him, grabbed his sunglasses off his head and then shoved him to the ground as he ran away. The victim then called 911, gave a description of the suspect and patrol officers headed to the area. They spotted Ford, who then ran when he saw the officers. A short foot chase ensued and patrol was able to get Ford in custody. Ford was booked and his bond was set at $2,500.00.
August 29, 2016
17 Disturbances
2 Complaints of Lost Property
6 Malicious Mischiefs
Auto Burglary – Autumn Ridge
6 Ambulance Assists
2 911 Hang Ups
14 Suspicious Activities
2 Reported DUI Drivers
15 Illegally Parked Cars
Reported Public Intoxicant
2 Noise Violations
8 Alarms
3 Animal Complaints
2 Motorist Assists
Code Violation – Trash Accumulation
5 Welfare Concerns
2 Petit Larcenies
3 Grand Larcenies
2 Fire Dept. Assists
Harassing Phone Calls
153 Traffic Citations
26 Wrecks
2 DUI’s – 1 was a wreck
Speeding & DUI
One Headlight & Warrant Served
Speeding & Possession of Schedule 1 & 2 Narcotics
2 Open Containers
Disturbing the Peace
Possession of Fake ID
Speeding, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & DUI
Reckless Driving & Leaving the scene of an accident
Noise Violation
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & Possession of Schedule 2 & 4 Narcotics
2 Careless Driving & DUI
2 MIP’s
5 Public Intoxications
Suspended Driver’s License, Open Container, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & DUI
Littering, Open Container & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
No Driver’s License & No Insurance
No Seatbelt, Suspended Driver’s License, Expired Tag & Warrant Served
Warrant Served
August 26, 2016
3 Disturbances
3 Illegally Parked Cars
2 Alarms
Fire Dept. Assist
Animal Complaint
Welfare Concern
Reported Public Intoxicant
Motorist Assist
2 Scams
Reported DUI Driver
4 Code Violations: 3 Trash Accumulations & 1 Parking in a yard
Suspicious Activity
82 Traffic Citations
13 Wrecks
Reckless Driving & DUI
2 Careless Driving & DUI
Ran Red Light & DUI
2 Public Intoxications
Expired Tag, No Insurance, No Driver’s License & Warrant Served
Warrant Served
August 25, 2016
Animal Complaint
Fire Dept. Assist
Civil Matter
3 Suspicious Activities
Motorist Assist
2 Illegally Parked Cars
Petit Larceny
2 Counterfeit Currency
2 Alarms
Ambulance Assist
Complaint of Lost Property
15 Code Violations. These reports are generated as complaints from neighbors in the South 14th, 16th and 18th Street. Residents are leaving cars parked all in the yards and leaving garbage cans out at the road. We are trying to educate the residents on behavioral expectations and their roles as good neighbors.
31 Traffic Citation’s
11 Wrecks
Public Intoxication & Fake ID
3 Noise Violations
August 24, 2016
1 Abandon Vehicle
3 Alarms
1 Ambulance Assist
8 City Code Enforcement
2 Civil Matter
1 Credit Card Fraud
4 Disturbing the Peace
1 Fire Department Assist
1 Harassing Phone Calls
1 Motorist Assist
6 Suspicious Activity
2 Welfare Concern
43 Traffic Citations:
9 Wrecks:
DUI 1st, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
On Headlight, Suspended D.L., DUI 1st
Speeding, No Insurance, DUI 1st
August 23, 2016
Civil Matter
12 Disturbances
6 Suspicious Activities
Simple Assault
3 911 Hang Ups
3 Welfare Concerns
2 Ambulance Assists
Reported DUI Driver
Burglary – S. 11th Street
2 Fire Dept. Assists
Harassing Phone Calls
Malicious Mischief
2 Alarms
Motorist Assist
8 Traffic Citations
8 wrecks
Failure to Dim Headlights & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Careless Driving & DUI
2 Warrants Served
2 Public Intoxications
2 Shopliftings
August 22, 2016
18 Suspicious Activities
4 Reported DUI Drivers
14 Alarms
4 Disturbances
5 Petit Larcenies
5 Ambulance Assists
3 Malicious Mischiefs
8 Illegally Parked Cars
11 Noise Violations
Counterfeit Currency
5 Welfare Concerns
Fire Dept. Assist
3 Auto Burglaries – Faulkner Flats
Civil Matter
Code Violation
Recovered Property
2 Complaints of Lost Property
Public Intoxication
2 Animal Complaints
2 911 Hang Ups
Motorist Assist
Obstructing Traffic
Credit Card Fraud
119 Traffic Citations
21 Wrecks
Careless Driving, No Insurance & DUI
19 Public Intoxications
Careless Driving, No Driver’s License, No Seatbelt, No Insurance & DUI
3 Petit Larcenies
2 DUI’s
Ran Red Light & DUI
Speeding, Suspended Driver’s & DUI
Careless Driving, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & DUI
7 MIP’s
One Headlight, No Taillights, No Insurance & Suspended Driver’s License
Public intoxication & Failure to Comply
Wrong Way on a One Way & DUI
3 Noise Violations
Open Container
No Seatbelt & MIP
Disturbing the Peace & Disorderly Conduct
One Headlight & DUI
2 Disturbing the Peace & Public Intoxication
Public Intoxication & Resisting Arrest
Careless Driving, MIP, Fake ID & DUI
Ran Red Light, No Insurance, Suspended Driver’s License & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Speeding & DUI
Expired Tag & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
August 19, 2016
3 Alarms
Simple Assault
Reported Public Intoxication
911 Hang Up
2 Illegally Parked Cars
Noise Violation
8 Suspicious Activities
Fire Dept. Assist
Auto Burglary – N. Lamar
Motorist Assist
Petit Larceny
Reported DUI Driver
Malicious Mischief
Welfare Concern
2 Disturbances
Civil Matter
24 Traffic Citations
14 Wrecks
No Headlights, Careless Driving, Possession of Schedule 3 Narcotics, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & DUI
2 Possessions of Drug Paraphernalia
Speeding, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & DUI
3 Public Intoxications & Fake ID
9 Public Intoxications
Obstructing Traffic, Suspended Driver’s License, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & DUI
Careless Driving & DUI
5 MIP’s
Careless Driving, No Driver’s License & No Insurance
Running a Red Light, No Insurance & DUI
Careless Driving & MIP
3 Shopliftings
No Seatbelt & MIP
Speeding & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Warrant Served
August 18, 2016
5 Alarms
5 Suspicious Activities
3 Noise Violations
4 Complaints of Lost Property
Reported DUI Driver
Welfare Concern
2 Animal Complaints
3 911 Hang Ups
Fire Dept. Assist
Civil Matter
2 Motorist Assists
Counterfeit Currency
23 Traffic Citations
5 Wrecks
2 Public Intoxications
Public Intoxication & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Ran Stop Sign, Possession of Schedule 4 Narcotics & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
No Seatbelt & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
August 17, 2016
6 Suspicious Activities
Ambulance Assist
2 Simple Assaults
9 Alarms
4 Disturbances
2 Animal Complaints
Illegally Parked Car
Reported DUI
Welfare Concern
2 911 Hang Ups
Civil Matter
Lost Property
11 Traffic Citations
8 Wrecks
Public Intoxication
Brandon Robertson (26 of Mt. Olive, AL) – Credit Card Fraud
On March 28th Officers of the Oxford Police Department took a report of a credit card fraud that had already occurred. The victim stated that her credit cards had been used at several locations in Oxford, MS. On March 31st the suspects had been identified as Brandon Roberson and Bryanna Hyde. On April 4th warrants were issued for Roberson and Hyde for Credit Card Fraud. On April 5th Roberson and Hyde were located and arrested in Lee County. It was found that Roberson and Hyde had committed similar crimes in several other jurisdictions around the state. A hold was placed on Roberson and Hyde for Oxford PD. On 08/11/2016 Oxford PD was advised that Roberson was ready to be transported to Oxford. Hyde was still being held for Lee County. Roberson was picked up and transported to the Lafayette County Detention Center. A $1,500 bond was set.
Bobby Barnes – Grand Larceny
On Monday August 15, 2016, Oxford Investigators arrested Bobby Barnes 41, of Grenada. This was a result of a trailer being stolen from Oxford on August 1st 2016. After conducting an investigation the information that was discovered led to Mr. Barnes arrest. At this time the trailer has not been recovered. Bond was set at $10,000.00.
August 16, 2016
2 Disturbances
Noise Violations
6 Suspicious Activities
Welfare Concern
2 Reported DUI Driver’s
Motorist Assist
Civil Matter
33 Traffic Citations
10 Wrecks
Careless Driving & DUI
Public Intoxication
August 15, 2016
9 Suspicious Activities
15 Alarms
2 Noise Violations
5 Welfare Concerns
4 Motorist Assists
2 Littering’s Complaints
5 Disturbances
2 Trespassing’s
5 Lost Properties
4 Reported Public Intoxications
4 Animal Complaints
5 Illegally Parked Cars
3 Reported DUI Driver’s
2 911 Hang Ups
Petit Larceny
Fire Dept. Assist
2 Shopliftings
Ambulance Assist
3 Scams
Malicious Mischief
Simple Assault
60 Traffic Citations
16 Wrecks
Careless Driving, Suspended Driver’s License, Possession of Marijuana & DUI
Careless Driving, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & DUI
Noise Violation
Careless Driving & DUI
2 Public Intoxications
Open Container & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Possession of Marijuana
DUI (wreck)
No Headlights & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
August 12, 2016
6 Alarms
Public Intoxication
2 Petit Larcenies
Suspicious Activities
6 911 Hang Ups
3 Malicious Mischiefs
Obstructing Traffic
Harassing Phone Calls
3 Illegally Parked Cars
2 Scams
3 Welfare Concerns
Reported DUI
30 Traffic
6 Wrecks
Careless Driving & DUI
2 911 Hang Ups
4 Suspicious Activities
6 Welfare Concerns
2 Noise Violations
Fire Dept. Assist
Reported DUI
Civil Matter
ID Theft
2 Petit Larcenies
Ambulance Assist
Auto Burglary – Campus Creek
Animal Complaint
40 Traffic Citations
9 Wrecks
No Arrests
August 10, 2016
3 Welfare Concerns
2 Harassing Phone Calls
4 Suspicious Activities
Noise Violation
4 Alarms
3 Complaints of Lost Property
17 Traffic Citations
4 Wrecks
Suspended Driver’s License & DUI
Speeding & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Expired Tag & Suspended Driver’s License
Ran Stop Sign, No Driver’s License & Warrant Served
Andrew Dunn – Malicious Mischief
On Tuesday, August 09, 2016 Investigators of the Oxford Police Department served an arrest warrant on Mr. Alexander Dunn (21) of Greenwood, MS for Malicious Mischief (97-17-67).
On June 18, 2016 Dunn caused damage to an automobile while he was on the Oxford Square. Dunn was identified by a witness who saw him jump up and down on the vehicle causing almost $3,000 worth of damage. Dunn was booked for Malicious Mischief (97-17-67) and his bond was set at $2,500.00.
August 9, 2016
3 Alarms
6 Suspicious Activities
Noise Violation
Domestic Violence
Burglary – The Highlands
3 Welfare Concerns
2 Petit Larcenies
4 911 Hang Ups
Civil Matter
Auto Burglary- University Ave
2 Fire Dept. Assists
Harassing Phone Calls
Motorist Assist
Illegally Parked Car
28 Traffic Citations
5 Wrecks
Expired Tag & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
No Seatbelt, Suspended Driver’s License, No Insurance & Warrant Served
August 8, 2016
6 Suspicious Activities
10 Alarms
2 Malicious Mischiefs
5 Disturbances
5 Welfare Concerns
3 Civil Matters
2 Illegally Parked Cars
Ambulance Assist
3 911 Hang Ups
Reported DUI
2 Reported Public Intoxications
ID Theft
Credit Card Fraud
2 Animal Complaints
2 Petit Larcenies
Report of Obstructing Traffic
2 Complaints of Lost Property
Auto Burglary – West Jackson Avenue
67 Traffic Citations
15 Wrecks
Public Intoxication & Possession of Schedule 4 Narcotics
Speeding, Expired Driver’s License, Expired Tag & DUI
No Seatbelt & Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Speeding & No Driver’s License
Careless Driving & DUI
2 Public Intoxications
Careless Driving, No Insurance, Noise Violation & Obstructing Traffic
Expired Tag & MIP
No Seatbelt & No Driver’s License
Warrant Served
August 5, 2016
5 Disturbances
9 Suspicious Activities
3 Welfare Concerns
Animal Complaint
2 Ambulance Assists
2 Fire. Dept. Assists
Grand Larceny
2 Petit Larcenies
Burglary – Josh St.
5 Alarms
Malicious Mischief
21 Traffic Citations
8 Wrecks
2 Public Intoxications
August 4, 2016
5 Alarms
6 Suspicious Activities
Motorist Assist
2 Welfare Concerns
Fire Dept. Assist
911 Hang Up
False Pretense
22 Traffic Citations
3 Wrecks
One Headlight, No Driver’s license & DUI
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & Possession of Schedule 4 Narcotics
Careless Driving, No Driver’s License, No Insurance, Possession of Schedule 2 Narcotics & DUI
One Headlight, No Insurance, Suspended Driver’s License, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & DUI
August 3, 2016
2 Disturbing the Peace
5 Suspicious Activity
2 Careless Driving
4 Alarms
3 Larceny
1 Domestic Disturbance
2 Motorist Assist
2 Animal Complaints
1 Welfare Concern
1 Civil Matter
1 Fire Code Violation
1 Abandon Vehicle
1 Harassing Phone Calls
1 False Pretense
28 Traffic Citations:
7 Wrecks:
Public Drunkenness and Malicious Mischief
Speeding and Minor in Possession of Alcohol
August 2, 2016
7 Alarms
5 Suspicious Activities
Ambulance Assist
Lost Property
3 Petit Larcenies
Credit Card Fraud
Uttering Forgery
2 Welfare Concerns
911 Hang Up
Code Violation
27 Traffic Citations
7 Wrecks
2 Domestic Violence’s – Simple Assaults
No Seatbelt & No Driver’s License
August 1, 2016
5 Animal Complaints
5 Welfare Concerns
10 Disturbances
2 Trespassing’s
Fireworks Complaint
Code Violation
17 Alarms
2 Reported DUI Drivers
Vehicle Obstructing Traffic
6 Malicious Mischiefs
9 Suspicious Activities
3 911 Hang Up’s
4 Motorist Assists
7 Civil Matters
Petit Larceny
2 Complaints of Lost Property
Recovered Property
2 Illegally Parked Cars
2 Noise Violations
Reported Intoxicated Person
2 Fire Dept. Assists
2 Harassing Phone Calls
Auto Burglary – CB Webb
24 Traffic Citations
21 Wrecks
3 Possessions of Drug Paraphernalia
One Headlight, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia & DUI
Wrong way on a one way & MIP
3 Careless Driving & DUI
Domestic Violence Simple Assault
Careless Driving, No Insurance, No Driver’s License & DUI
Attempted Armed Robbery
On Sunday July 31st at approximately 0007 Officers were approached by a male who stated to them that two black males attempted to rob him at gun point. The victim told officers that he was walking on Van Buren headed West when two black males grabbed him and pulled him into an alley. One of the black males held the victim while the other pointed a weapon at him. They demanded the victim give them whatever he had but the victim jerked away and ran. One of our officers was nearby on a traffic stop and the victim notified the officer of what happened. A search of the area was done but officers did not locate any suspects. Detectives were called and the case has been turned over to them. There were no injuries and no property was taken.
Previous Oxford, Mississippi Crime Reports:
July 2016
June 2016
May 2016
April 2016
March 2016
February 2016
January 2016
December 2015
November 2015
October 2015
September 2015
August 2015
July 2015
June 2015
May 2015
April 2015
March 2015
February 2015
January 2015