Haines, Wagner to head American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy groups
By Natalie Ehrhardt
University of Mississippi pharmacy professors Seena Haines and Jamie Wagner will assume leadership roles within the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy after being elected by their peers.
“It’s wonderful to see two members of our faculty elected to serve in these positions,” said Donna Strum, dean of the School of Pharmacy. “What that says to me is that their peers in AACP see the same thing we do at the School of Pharmacy—very capable, knowledgeable and hardworking members of our profession who will no doubt excel as AACP leaders.”
Haines, a professor in the school’s Department of Pharmacy Practice, will serve as representative-at-large for AACP’s Council of Faculties. The council handles interdisciplinary matters of curriculum, course content, education methods, faculty and administration relations, and national issues of general interest to pharmacy faculties.
“One of my favorite Margaret Mead quotes is, ‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world; in fact, it’s the only thing that ever has,'” Haines said. “I have considered AACP a professional home for me since residency training in 2000.
“I have had diverse experiences of service over these more than 20 years and feel humbled and energized to serve the council over the next two years.”
In her new role, Haines will serve as a member of the Council of Faculties’ administrative team, act as a liaison to council standing committees, help develop and coordinate the council’s webinar series and assist in a variety of other council activities.
“I am looking forward to helping shape the direction of strategic priorities for the council in alignment with the AACP strategic plan and helping to meet member needs as it relates to their work-life integration,” she said.
Wagner, a clinical associate professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice, will serve as chair of the association’s pharmacy practice section.
“I love being involved within AACP, and being elected to this position affords me the opportunity to not only continue to stay involved but also to have a greater impact and voice in pivotal discussions within the academy,” she said.
“As the future leader of the largest section within AACP, I feel fortunate to have the expertise, input and guidance from all the section members to continue to move our profession forward.”
As chair, Wagner will focus on staying on track with the pharmacy practice strategic plan as well as AACP’s strategic plan. She will also serve as a board liaison for at least two committees within pharmacy practice and provide guidance to other section board members as needed.
“Within this position, I want to ensure that the pharmacy practice section continues to provide exceptional development, programming and resources to our members, while also providing cutting edge information within delivery of education, addressing concerns plaguing our schools and recognizing the hard work, effort and successes of our members within the academy,” Wagner said.
Wagner and Haines will assume their new roles in July.