Theatre Oxford is again offering the community an engaging installment of fine arts entertainment with this year’s...
Art-er Limits Fringe Fest, a regional showcase of the best and weirdest, is a couple weeks away...
Click Here to Download The Local Voice #279 FULL-COLOR PDF for only 99¢ The Local Voice #279:...
Click Here to Download The Local Voice #277 FULL-COLOR PDF for only 99¢ The Local Voice #277:...
We recently received a brief interview local writer Louis Bourgeois did with local actor Johnny McPhail in...
Firemax is directed by Rory Ledbetter and produced by Melanie Addington and the Oxford Film Festival. The...
Since 1980, Water Valley’s annual Watermelon Carnival in City Park has been bringing people together for a...
GREENWOOD, MISS. (June XX, 2016) – Summer may have just started, but Main Street Greenwood is already...
The World Championship Old Time Piano Playing Contest and Festival is set to be held in Oxford,...
During the weekend of Double Decker, all of the best things about Oxford are amplified, melded together,...
The Oxford Craft Beer Festival will be returning to The Library Sports Bar for its fourth year,...
A press conference was held today announcing the Double Decker sponsors, artwork, and music schedule for...
“Art-er Limits” Returns in Second Year to Provide a Weekend of Art and Fun by Alex Thiel...
As the 12th annual Oxford Film Festival nears, the directors are preparing for their final year with the...
New Festival Provides Performance Space: The Art-er Limits On August 1 – 2, 2014 Oxford, Mississippi will...
Oxford, Miss. – Food, music, and the arts will take center stage at the 19th annual Oxford...
Interview by Suanne Strider Who are your main musical influences? I have lots. When it comes to...
It’s finally Spring, and that means festival season here in Mississippi. The inaugural Oxford Craft Beer Festival...
Click Here to Download The Local Voice #197 FULL-COLOR PDF for only 99¢ – Local Food &...
Click Here to Download The Local Voice #189 FULL-COLOR PDF for only 99¢ The Local Voice #189...