Movie night, expert speakers, student showcase events scheduled April 2-5, 2024 Two renowned neuroscientists will discuss the...
Heartbreak Coffee
Biochemistry professor to discuss potential for ionic liquids to target therapies A University of Mississippi professor will...
Biologist Jason Hoeksema to discuss balancing wetland preservation with agricultural needs Conservation in the Mississippi Delta is...
Computer science, neuroscience professors to present during in-person and virtual events Machine learning and animal/human intimacy bonds...
Delta State professor to discuss life cycles, magnetism during February 15 in-person/virtual event The life cycles and...
It was officially announced this morning that High Point Coffee would be changing their name back to...
Grab yourself a pint of Yalobusha Brewery Craft Brew, cup of Heartbreak Coffee, and saddle up to...
The 22nd annual Double Decker Festival hosts 25 restaurants, food trucks, and sweet shops, right in the...