University of Mississippi community to host resource fair, raffle and march for Sexual Assault Awareness Month Members...
“The late-night viewings of ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show’ were epic! Audience participation was phenomenal! Flying toast, rice, water,...
Saturday, April 8, 2023 SATURDAY 4.08.2023 Swayze Field: Ole Miss Baseball vs. ARKANSAS (2 pm) The Annex:...
Javier Gonzalez Maeso to examine effects of psychedelics and their therapeutic potential Globally renowned neuroscientist Javier Gonzalez...
Kristy Durkin finds ways to build relationships with students while leading virtual classes After COVID-19 hit in...
On March 28, 2023, the Oxford Police Department was dispatched to the 2600 block of West Oxford...
On March 18, 2023, the Oxford Police Department responded to the 100 block of Creekmore Boulevard for...
On March 30, 2023, the Oxford Police Department responded to the 2000 block of Oxford Way for...
Oxford Community Market Kicks off Spring and 10th Anniversary with Community-Wide Event
Friday, April 7, 2023 FRIDAY 4.07.2023 Swayze Field: Ole Miss Baseball vs. ARKANSAS (6:30 pm) The Annex:...
Lee Durkee lives and writes in Oxford, Mississippi. The author of the novels Rides of the Midway...
Clarksdale’s Juke Joint Festival celebrates two decades as a cornerstone of downtown revitalization Twenty years ago, Clarksdale,...
Pickleball, the sport that’s taking America by storm, is growing here in Oxford. There are numerous places...
Tincher supports University of Mississippi institute to pay tribute to wife’s life Ami Moore Tincher‘s interests in...
American First National makes major gift for national championship To help the Ole Miss Rebel baseball team...
Student-led University of Mississippi group sponsors week promoting the importance of mental health A University of Mississippi...
On April 3, 2023, the Oxford Police Department responded to Private Road 3151 for a reported domestic...
A Rust College student was killed in a crash in Oxford, Mississippi early Sunday morning. Police say...
Wednesday, April 5, 2023 WEDNESDAY 4.05.2023 The Annex: Flip Night Funkys: Ladies’ Night Moe’s Penny Bar: Open...
The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating an airplane crash near Oxford, Mississippi, that killed a pilot...