At the 2016 Oxford Film Festival, Yalo, a short documentary film showcasing the talent, dedication, and hard...
“Larry’s in the Round” is a bi-weekly singer-songwriter series being held at Proud Larry’s on the first...
Friday, February 26, a lucky few paid witness to local band Pinebox’s first performance at a house...
The once dead cassette tape has made a return with many independent and up-and-coming bands. With the...
Foxfire Ranch will host their first annual one-day Foxfire Ranch Blues Festival on March 26 from noon...
Morgan Pennington holds the distinction of being TLV’s only triple-crown winner in our recent Townies Awards, having...
Name: Warren Bishop Position & Restaurant: Presidential equivalent at Volta Taverna Hometown: Kosciusko, Mississippi How did you...
St. Patrick’s Day is less than a month away, which means the annual St. Paddy’s Day Pub...
James Thomas is so busy wrapping himself in the mantle of virtue he doesn’t bother to understand...
Oxford-newcomer The Ifs and Ills started out as Jake Williams and Dayton Cooper busking on the Square,...
Mississippi Election Results for March 8, 2016 In this year’s primary, 403,944 Republicans voted throughout Mississippi. This...
Don’t look now, but on Tuesday, March 8, Republicans and Democrats will finally get a say in...
The next two weeks find Ole Miss Baseball wrapping up its nonconference series before opening SEC play...
The University of Mississippi will host the World Championship Old-Time Piano Playing Contest comes to Oxford, MS...
A press conference was held today announcing the Double Decker sponsors, artwork, and music schedule for the Ole...
A press conference was held today announcing the Double Decker sponsors, artwork, and music schedule for...
Oxford-Lafayette Chamber of Commerce hosted Chick-fil-a Vice President, corporate talent Dee Ann Turner on February 17. Turner...
As the frontman of his new project Bonus, Kieran Danielson has spent the last several months writing,...
Click Here to Download The Local Voice #248 FULL-COLOR PDF for only 99¢ The Local Voice #248:...
Some two decades after first hiding in a bedroom closet in the middle of the day when some...