Scholarships to benefit sorority members, students in health, exercise science, or recreation management A $184,000 planned gift...
Michael Repka earns Shangraw award for study of inactive pharmaceutical ingredients University of Mississippi pharmacy professor Michael...
Students successfully audition against peers at top music schools Six students in the University of Mississippi Department of...
Price McCarley Rials was born on July 31, 1982 and passed away suddenly on December 26, 2022....
Brigitte Lewis’ research could stimulate awareness of erased histories A graduate of the University of Mississippi‘s Sally...
Ole Miss senior Kennedy Swann has been named one of 12 golfers that have been invited to...
It is finally Ole Miss Rebel football game week! You can smell the barbeque grills firing up....
Two steps and a little profanity. Two steps towards second base from third is what caused senior...
Oxford, Miss.—Oxford has always been known for its plethora of pretty girls, and here’s another proof that...