It was around 5 pm on Sunday, January 5, 2020, the twelfth day of Christmas. The sun...
the view from the balcony
The night of the Tacky Townie party at Proud Larry’s, the upstairs bar at City Grocery was...
On Monday, November 18 at 6:20 a.m., my phone rang. There was nothing all that unusual about...
On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, a black woman named Rosa Parks refused to give up...
Whistleblower: a person who exposes secretive information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical, or not correct… The...
Why in the world would we expect September to be more temperate than August? Maybe since Labor...
A few days ago, someone called me out on something. It upset me so much that when...
Like it or not, they’re coming back. It won’t be long until we hear the tromp-tromp of...
There are some strange things going on in this election of the next President of these semi-united...
Sitting on The Balcony as I do, people talk to me. They tell me things, personal things,...
I grew up as an only child with two older sisters and one older brother. I spent...
Saturday night, June 1, 2019, @ 8:00 p.m. I wasn’t feeling all that spry. Sinus infection. So...
Sorry Don’t be sorry for being who you are.Don’t be sorry. We all have our own kinds...
About a month ago a robin made her nest in an inside corner of the eve of...
by Randy Weeks From where I sat The Double Decker Arts Festival was a smashing success. The...
“In the Spring a US citizen’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of . . . taxes.” (Alfred...
I’m back in SoCal, and I’ve been reading a few news stories about us (Mississippians). I have...
(Warning: This column contains an excessive number of open and closed quotation marks, as well as a...
I’m writing this on February 1, 2019. Just up the road a bit the 34th annual Santa...
It’s the time of year when people start putting their New Year’s resolutions into action. The vast...