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The Local Voice #257
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The Local Voice #257:
June 23 – July 7, 2016
Ole Miss and YAC Summer Camps
Writing, Science, and Arts Programs available
by Brittain Thompson
Ask Your Realtor: The Pros of Using a Realtor to Sell Your Home
Should you be using a realtor when putting your house on the market? Amanda Wymer has your answer.
by Amanda Wymer
Gravity is Stronger Here
A photographer capture living in the Mississippi Delta through the eyes of a profoundly Christian lesbian
by Warren Hines
Local Musician Spotlight: Alex Von Hardberger
Local Q&A:
“Who is your true American hero?”
by The Local Voice Staff
Food & Drink Specials, Local Entertainment Calendar, Comix, Puzzles & Brain Teasers, Trivia, and more cool stuff to keep you entertained and well fed in the Oxford, Ole Miss, and North Mississippi area.