January 26, 2025

2 thoughts on “The View From The Balcony: “Every Little Thing’s Gonna Be Alright.* Really?”

  1. Randy,

    I go back and forth with my reaction. I too was absolutely stunned @ how people could brush aside the totally unprecedented amount of members of his own party WHO SERVED ON HIS STAFF that said— “don’t vote for this guy”. IDK if that has ever happened in American politics.
    However, here we are. So, on the one hand I kinda want America to experience Trump 2.0 uncut and unfiltered. Bring back Gaetz -AG, maybe for FBI director Kyle Rittenhouse. If we weren’t too late Bernie Madoff would have made an excellent Fed Chairman! Fill the clown car to the top!
    Now, is there some bitterness of the election outcome- yes there is and I will be working to overcome that. There is also a bit of America chose this, and she needs the full effect to better understand what she chose.
    Understanding that whatever fallout there is will still be the fault of the liberals with POTUS-elect and his true believers. I’m hopefull for some of the non-cult voters to be able to see the truth.

    1. Thanks for such a thoughtful response, Howard. One of the main things I’m still bumfuzzled over is how so many evangelicals went all out for T., a man who has consistenly over time repeatedly behaved in un-Christlike ways, going so far as to say that he’s never needed to ask God for forgiveness becauce he’s never done anything he needs forgiveness for. I know my sins and my flaws and ask forgiveness often, then seek to change any wrongdoing I am able to.

      It’s good to hear from you, Howard. I wish you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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